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Leg problems


go blue...
I did a search and couldn't find much. Sorry if it's in an inappropriate area, but I'm in NROTC and it didn't seem to match topics elsewhere.

Here's my conundrum: I was diagnosed with a stress fracture in early September, saw an ortho guy, told me to stay off it for four weeks, nothing much. Six weeks later I returned to light PT and noticed no positive change in the injury. Discerning it was still an injury and not just being sore, I went back to the doctor, got a walking boot for two weeks, another two weeks, then again back to light PT. Again back to pain.

I saw a great local ortho surgeon over Christmas break who seemed to brush it off, but nontheless ordered an MRI. The MRI Tech taking pictures noticed something, and when I spoke to the doctor he informed me it was just some inflammation and I was good to go to resume normal PT.

PT comes, I run three laps and am back at square one. I don't get it, I've always been pretty fit, maxed out pushups/situps in nearly half my PRTs, but this leg thing is kicking my ass. There is intense swelling located about six inches above my ankle, and little shooting pains going up and down the leg when stretching or moving funny. After running it swells up and is pretty painful to the touch, but after five minutes it's normal again.

I guess I'm just confused, and the doctors aren't helping much -- has anyone had a similar injury? Known someone who has? I spoke to people well versed in pilot medical quals and this won't seem to be a problem unless it's repetitive, so I'm doing my best to make sure it goes away, but it's killing me not to be able to work out and play hockey/intramurals.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
FWIW, I've had multiple running injuries over the years (muscle, joint and tendon type stuff) that have taken months to fully resolve, so I wouldn't be too surprised if something as serious as what you've described takes that long to heal. Keep your doc in the loop and try not to run until you're in agony. Just be sure you give yourself enough time to heal up right. Not only does your injury have to heal, but all the associated musculature has to recuperate to the point where it can support the activity level you're trying to get back to.



SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
I'm at about 6 months after mine. The inside of my shin bone still hurts every now and then. The best way to describe the pain is like you banged your shin into a piece of furniture in the dark. It doesnt really bother me that much when running. At 4 months is when I was able to run again without it bothering me. 2 months later, I'm still not up to my pre-OCS speeds but its getting better.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
Leg stuff is a pain. I've had Plantar Fasciitis since October and it hasn't gotten worse or better. Just wont go away, anyone ever dealt with this?

Flight doc sent me to the Podiatrist, and he gave me few inserts....comfy, but not really "helping".

Huggy Bear

Registered User
Leg stuff is a pain. I've had Plantar Fasciitis since October and it hasn't gotten worse or better. Just wont go away, anyone ever dealt with this?

Flight doc sent me to the Podiatrist, and he gave me few inserts....comfy, but not really "helping".

I've had Plantar Fasciitis on and off again over the years. I'm currently fighting a bad case of it now.

The time before this one what really helped was the two cortizone shots I had in my foot. That, combined with resting it and a lot of stretching really helped. It takes a fair amount of effort to recuperate, you cannot just sit back and hope it heals. The stretches are very specific and target the troubled region.

Your doc does not sound like much help. He didn't even educate you on the stretches? My current flight doc is a big sports medicine type and he was very sympathetic and helpful.


AEDO livin’ the dream
Noze, there's a sock splint you might try called the Strassburg sock. Might help, might not; don't know the extent of your injury.

Bear, I have no idea. Have you tried any kind of trigger point therapy, massage, tennis ball therapy/release or anything like that? Wish I could help.


Super Moderator
Noze, there's a sock splint you might try called the Strassburg sock. Might help, might not; don't know the extent of your injury.

Bear, I have no idea. Have you tried any kind of trigger point therapy, massage, tennis ball therapy/release or anything like that? Wish I could help.

Is this the type of sock that you use to signal your roomate not to enter the room? ;)


Registered User
Blackbear, your condition sounds a little similar to what I've recently had to deal with, anterior compartment syndrome. The localized swelling and shooting pains "struck a nerve." It's a relatively rare case in comparison with minor, nagging injuries. I was misdiagnosed multiple times as a result. Sounds like blood enters the area fairly quickly (after 3 laps). Taking it light and resuming only to have the problem again does no good. Read up on ant. compartment syndrome and see a specialist. PM me on the situation.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
Noze, there's a sock splint you might try called the Strassburg sock. Might help, might not; don't know the extent of your injury.

Bear, I have no idea. Have you tried any kind of trigger point therapy, massage, tennis ball therapy/release or anything like that? Wish I could help.

Have the Trigger Point footballer....hasnt really been helping. At first it would hurt when I used it and it felt like it was working. Now, not so much.