Excellent Link VarmintShooter, I was about to post the same one (though in French
, so not sure that would've helped, lol.)
The Legion is comprised by soldiers (or legionnares) of all nationalities. Thay are a highly trained force, and very very capable. They are always France's "first to fight" and thus, more expendable force. Some guys I know in the Corp have trained with them and have nothing but the utmost respect for those guys. Much more, I've known of some Jarheads leaving to France in order to join the Legion. Most do love it. I am not sure I'd like to fight for France though ,lol. Although, they (all Legionnares) don't consider that they fight for france, they believe they are fighting for the Legion and each one of its members; their mottos is "Legio Partia Nostra" which means "The Legion is our homeland." Oh! and if you go to the Legion, US law prohibits you from joining or re-joining the US military (Just thought I'd mention it in case someone is interested. On the other side, if you are not an American and are looking to be part of one of the most elite fighting forces in the world go ahead by all means, it'll be hard though!)
Although comprised by foreigners they all must master french (conversational french and basic written) within a year and after 5 years in service they are able to naturalize and become french citizens. Most of their member are trying to get away from routine, some hardship in their past and others simply want be part of an Elite fighting force. They give you room and board and lots of tough and highly demmanding training, also paying you from Euros 1000 and up (according to rank and time.) Lastly, their Parachute regiment (2REP) is highly respected all over the world, they even have combat divers, etc. Oh! and their Officers always come from the enlisted ranks. They dont have commissioning programs (unlike the reg french army or even us), only the best NCOs make the leap into being an officer. That is something I thought was particularly interesting.
Anyway, hope this helps Jimmy K and others curious about the FFL.