I am an '07 Academy grad currently stashed at USNA awaiting orders to Pensacola, designated SNFO. I've been waiting so long due to some med issues that were cleared up by December but then took till the middle of Feb to get the waivers from NAMI. The flight surgeon here told me that my packet would now go to BUPERS, and I spoke to the personnel officer here and she said that she believed it should only take about 10 or so working days before orders would show up. Currently sitting at 3 weeks since the waivers were granted and wondering what I can do to accelerate this process. any thoughts? Annapolis is a fun town and sailing coach isn't a bad stash job but I'm ready to get on with my life. Thanks.
I am an '07 Academy grad currently stashed at USNA awaiting orders to Pensacola, designated SNFO. I've been waiting so long due to some med issues that were cleared up by December but then took till the middle of Feb to get the waivers from NAMI. The flight surgeon here told me that my packet would now go to BUPERS, and I spoke to the personnel officer here and she said that she believed it should only take about 10 or so working days before orders would show up. Currently sitting at 3 weeks since the waivers were granted and wondering what I can do to accelerate this process. any thoughts? Annapolis is a fun town and sailing coach isn't a bad stash job but I'm ready to get on with my life. Thanks.