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Little Motivation for non-selects


Registered User
Just thought this might help with a little motivation.
If you are anything like me then you probably get on airwarriors all the time and can't help but be a little jealous of all the users that have got their air contracts or are on their way to OCS. And I know I always felt disouraged when I heard I wasn't selected. Especially when I saw the stats of how many times it took applicants to be selected. I just thought I would let you know that it takes some people several more times to be selected.
Here are the times that I applied.

Naval Academy in high school---not selected

(Wanted to go USMC but didn't think I could handle the PT so...)
Navy OCS in 2003---not selected
Navy OCS in 2004---not selected

(Finally decided that didn't take magical powers to run 3 miles so...)
USMC OCS Aug 05---not selected
USMC OCS Oct 05---not selected
USMC OCS Aprl 06---not selected
USMC OCS Aug 06---not selected
USMC OCS Oct 06---not selected
USMC OCS Aprl 07---selected for OCS 196 air contract.

Just though I would let you guys know that no everyone makes it in one or two tries. Stay motivated. Just make sure that it is really what you want to do and DON'T GIVE UP!!!


Registered User
No Kidding way to hang in there we need officers of that calibur who aren't going to give up when things get hard! Congrats! Glad I didn't have that much trouble, I got in on the first try. (Navy OCS)


You know he's going to do well with that kind of dedication. Don't F up! And, don't hurt yourself.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
Good show of dedication there.

If I can ask, what was different? Did you just resubmit the package 10 times or were there significant changes the last time around which got you selected. Congrats on the selection finally.


500+ Posts
Good motivation; I hope there weren't negative aspects of your package that made you an "undesirable" candidate to the board. If only we could bottle that motivation and feed it to young officers. (Myself included.)


Registered User
It was my PFT scores. They just continually got better until they were good enough to be selected.

when I was selected it was

It just seems It took me forever to get them that good. I was admittedly out of shape when I started.


Well-Known Member
Naval Academy in high school---not selected

(Wanted to go USMC but didn't think I could handle the PT so...)
Navy OCS in 2003---not selected
Navy OCS in 2004---not selected

(Finally decided that didn't take magical powers to run 3 miles so...)
USMC OCS Aug 05---not selected
USMC OCS Oct 05---not selected
USMC OCS Aprl 06---not selected
USMC OCS Aug 06---not selected
USMC OCS Oct 06---not selected
USMC OCS Aprl 07---selected for OCS 196 air contract.
Wow, and I thought I had applied a number of times... Here's me:

Naval Academy '91 - Not selected
Naval Academy '92 - Not selected
Naval Academy '93 - Not selected
USMC PLC (Air) '94 - Not selected
Naval Academy '94 - Selected, comissioned as 2ndLt with air contract.


Internet killed the television star
Wow, and I thought I had applied a number of times... Here's me:

Naval Academy '91 - Not selected
Naval Academy '92 - Not selected
Naval Academy '93 - Not selected
USMC PLC (Air) '94 - Not selected
Naval Academy '94 - Selected, comissioned as 2ndLt with air contract.

Wow, you must've been getting close to the age cutoff, huh?


Well-Known Member
Between ROTC and OCS, I've been turned down 4 times over the course of 3 years. If only life was as simple as filling out applications.