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Long time no posts. Thought I'd check in


New Member
I joined up about a year ago and posted some about becoming a naval officer. Most of you probably dont remember me at all but I thought I'd check in and give an update.

Well I've just graduated with a 2 year degree and i've started on my 4 year. GPA wasn't great on the 2 year. It was a 2.92 which I dont think is too bad considering I work and drive two hours each way to get to class. I dont think I'll have much trouble bringing it up to over 3.0 with my 4 year degree though.

The physical fitness is still giving me trouble. I was at 225lbs this time last year and I got down to 204lbs but then life happened and I got out of my habits and actually gained it all back plus some. I've gotten back on track though and i'm walking everyday that i can. Hopefully that will turn into running soon. I've already lost about 10lbs so i'm somewhere around 220lbs now.

The eye sight is still an issue. There is a place where I can get PRK done I just found the other day. In the process of trying to find out how much that is going to cost and then trying to figure out how i'm going to pay for it. Although I'm considering holding off until the results of the LASIK study come out.

I'm also still debating on what branch I want to go into. I'm still leaning more towards the Navy or Marine Corps but the other branches have their appeal too. I probably wont decide that until after I see what kind of physical condition I'm closer to having my 4 year degree.

I do have one quick question though... On the days that I work I'm gone all day. I work at my college and have class at night and so i'm gone from 7 in the morning to midnight. Right now it's only 3 days a week but sometimes it's 4 depending on my schedule for that quarter. What can I do at work as far as exercise. Like I get a good bit of walking in but what else can i do?

Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to sort of re-introduce myself.


"I live vicariously through myself."
Have you considered moving closer to your college/work? That would give you more hours in the day to go to a gym and get a real workout.


You dont have to work out 2 hours everyday to get into good physical condition. A short, high intensity workout 4-5 days a week is a good way to build a good cardio base. Three days a week try something like:

Exercise 1: 3x 20 pushups + 20 air squats
Exercise 2: 3x 20 divebombers + 20 split squats/lunges
Exercise 3: 3x 20 moutain climbers + 20 situps

Do that with 30 seconds rest between each set and one minute rest between each exercise. All that should take about 20 - 30 minutes. You can insert any exercise you want into that routine and if its too hard you can reduce the reps.

Also, 1-2 times a week you can jog for 10 minutes, stretch for 5, then see how many windsprints you can do in 10 minutes. Rest 20 to 40 seconds/windsrpint.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
Crossfit.com...great if you don't have a lot of time. Don't try to knock one out in full, they have a way to ease yourself into the workouts.

I like to do them on days that I don't feel like putting in the 2.0 to go to the gym (usually weekends when I don't feel like shaving just to go on base)
does your school have a gym somewhere on campus? If so just pop in there for 30 min sometime throughout your day and get a quick work out in. Anyhow good to have you back and stick with it.


New Member
does your school have a gym somewhere on campus? If so just pop in there for 30 min sometime throughout your day and get a quick work out in. Anyhow good to have you back and stick with it.
Hell no. :icon_rage Payin more than most universities and dont have any recreation at all! We've got like 5 hallways and that's it.

Have you considered moving closer to your college/work? That would give you more hours in the day to go to a gym and get a real workout.
I have tried to move closer to school but with the job market the way it is it's hard to find something that will pay enough for my room mate and I to move closer to school. We've even tried finding a 3rd person because then we would have enough on what we make at our current job but everytime we try the plans fall through.

drop down do 50 every hour... hang a pullup bar at work somewhere...
I think i'll do that! Can't hang a pull up bar anywhere though... the director will nearly shoot someone if they so much as smudge the floor...

You dont have to work out 2 hours everyday to get into good physical condition. A short, high intensity workout 4-5 days a week is a good way to build a good cardio base. Three days a week try something like:

Exercise 1: 3x 20 pushups + 20 air squats
Exercise 2: 3x 20 divebombers + 20 split squats/lunges
Exercise 3: 3x 20 moutain climbers + 20 situps

Do that with 30 seconds rest between each set and one minute rest between each exercise. All that should take about 20 - 30 minutes. You can insert any exercise you want into that routine and if its too hard you can reduce the reps.

Also, 1-2 times a week you can jog for 10 minutes, stretch for 5, then see how many windsprints you can do in 10 minutes. Rest 20 to 40 seconds/windsrpint.
Yeah I've been walking 2.5 miles everyday for about a week now. I'm going to start trying to jog some of that and start building stamina. I haven't been doing it long but I can tell the exercise has already started to help control my eating habits. I dont have myself as hungry anymore. But that might be because after my workout saturday I wasn't able to hardly move for 2 days lol

Crossfit.com...great if you don't have a lot of time. Don't try to knock one out in full, they have a way to ease yourself into the workouts.

I like to do them on days that I don't feel like putting in the 2.0 to go to the gym (usually weekends when I don't feel like shaving just to go on base)
I'll check that out. There is actually a gym at the local college that I can go to if i pay a small fee. I didn't even know it exsisted until the other day but a friend of mine are going to start going. Hopefully I'll be below 200lbs within a couple months


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
watch a tv show and do crunches during the commercials nonstop until the show gets back on


His blood smells like cologne.
You don't have to go to a gym to get a workout. If you're trying to shed poundage, a 30 minute workout a day 5 days a week at home will work wonders.

Also, I recommend Weight Watchers (handing in man card). You don't have to pay anything to do it (plenty can be found online with simple google searches). Basically you can eat whatever you want, but based on your weight, height, male/female, and level of activity you are given a daily point value you have to stay within.

You calculate points for foods using an online calculator or can buy a handheld one. You input calories, grams of fat, and fiber, it spits out a point value for that food. Once each week you are given a free splurge session (where you can eat whatever you want, big mac, fries and all). You WILL shed fat even without working out on this program. I highly recommend it, as it will start teaching you about what you put in your body and build some dietary discipline.

Props for keepin on keepin on.


Dumb New Guy
You dont have to work out 2 hours everyday to get into good physical condition. A short, high intensity workout 4-5 days a week is a good way to build a good cardio base. Three days a week try something like:

Exercise 1: 3x 20 pushups + 20 air squats
Exercise 2: 3x 20 divebombers + 20 split squats/lunges
Exercise 3: 3x 20 moutain climbers + 20 situps

Do that with 30 seconds rest between each set and one minute rest between each exercise. All that should take about 20 - 30 minutes. You can insert any exercise you want into that routine and if its too hard you can reduce the reps.

Also, 1-2 times a week you can jog for 10 minutes, stretch for 5, then see how many windsprints you can do in 10 minutes. Rest 20 to 40 seconds/windsrpint.

Crossfit.com...great if you don't have a lot of time. Don't try to knock one out in full, they have a way to ease yourself into the workouts.

I like to do them on days that I don't feel like putting in the 2.0 to go to the gym (usually weekends when I don't feel like shaving just to go on base)

It seems that the Crossfit mafia has found it's way here too... In all fairness though I know some people that love it, and it seems to work. Just not my cup of tea.


His blood smells like cologne.

P90X is great. I use it. It will seriously get you ripped, but is a fairly advanced workout series. I'd get yourself into decent shape before you shell out the coin... Once you can run a mile or two (at a good pace), can do a few unassisted pullups and basically feel that you could pass a Navy Prt, you'll probably start to get something out of P90X...


Well-Known Member
Walk on your breaks at work. If you have a half hour or more, go for a short jog. And there are exercises you can do at your desk or while driving.