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Looking for any helpful tips to becoming an Officer...looking at (PAO)


New Member
I am 24 year old female with a good resume for this position, does anyone have any other Officer postions I should look into? Also any advice would be greatly appreciated?


Sans Remorse
I glanced at your profile, and it said you are preparing for the ASVAB. You do not need to take that test to be an officer, the one you want is the ASTB (Aviation Selection Test Battery). There is an enormous amount of information on the ASTB on this site and an entire forum devoted to the test. You will not need to take the whole test, however, unless you decide to go into aviation. Other designators will take the math, reading, and mechanical comprehension sections only, and not the aviation sections. Again, there's a lot more info on the test on these forums and the web at large for me to really go deeper than that. Otherwise, I don't know much about PAO, but I heard it's very competitive and they like to select from the fleet - again - not verified info. If you haven't contacted an Officer Recruiter yet, that should be your first move. Good luck to you, and it's good to see a fellow substitute teacher!


Yes please don't be talking to an enlisted recruiter. Don't be that sailor with a Masters degree as an E-3. If you are taking the ASVAB you are already taking the wrong steps as BigJeffray already stated. There is a wealth of information on PAO on these forums just do a search. Also www.navyocs.org is a good site to look around as well. Good luck in your quest.