New Member
I was non select for 3 designators in the September board. I was then told I cannot apply until 6 months after I heard back... Roughly, March. Which to my knowlege the next Aviation board isn't til April anyways... I'm running out of options. I've gone on countless interviews for civilian jobs but being fresh out of college they want more experience. I applied to grad school and start in the spring, and plan to reapply to OCS then. My question is, assuming I do all the appropriate things to improve my package and be more competitive, and I am non-select again, would there be an advantage later on with OCS if I just went ahead and enlisted? Or will I run into the paradox of "we've invested too much time and money into you already we don't want you to leave your current position and besides you're going to be too old by then." This economy is rough times and I'm just trying to make the best of any situations. I know there are plenty of prior service people getting picked up for OCS but I wonder if due to the economy it is advantageous to move up from within instead of taking a gamble for the next few years (assuming second time doesn't work out either). Not trying to be a pinhead here...