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Losing SRB after commissioning


Hey all, i'm an enlisted guy that hopes to be commissioned in the near future. I have put up the paperwork to re-enlist and also receive an SRB on top of that. My career counselor is not sure the answer, but I was wondering if anyone knew if we lose the SRB if we get commissioned after the re-enlistment/SRB? I understand we get half upfront and my CC told me I keep that. However I was wondering about the rest of the SRB that is split up over the duration of the re-enlistment. Can we keep that too?

Any mustangs out there that can lead me in the right direction?


The Shipmate formerly known as AT2.
I was a STA-21 guy and from what I recall going through that source, if you re-enlist at your regular interval (i.e. you're near the end of your obligated service, want to re-up, and haven't been applied or been accepted for a commission) but apply/get picked up for a commission later down the road, you get to keep what you received. However, if you get picked up for a commissioning program and re-enlist to meet your required obligation (i.e. 6 years for STA-21), you shouldn't get an SRB and if you do, they will take it away...all of it. There seems to be a bit of a grey area in the timing if you go STA-21 though. I don't remember exact dates, but I want to say that if you applied for STA-21 and re-enlisted after July 1 of that year (when the packages are due) and you get selected, then you won't get an SRB. There were guys all up in arms and ready to riot at the PSD brief over their SRB being taken away.

This is just what I've seen/experienced. When I got picked up I was well into my re-enlistment and I set up an extention for the remaining time. I didn't have to give any of my SRB back, even my installment for the FY I was selected. Other guys applied and then re-upped before the results came out, got selected, and found out at NSI that the SRB money they'd received had to be paid back.


Tweaking off my coffee
]Other guys applied and then re-upped before the results came out, got selected, and found out at NSI that the SRB money they'd received had to be paid back.

That ssuuuuccckkkkkkssssss!!!!!!! :cry_125:


I was a STA-21 guy and from what I recall going through that source, if you re-enlist at your regular interval (i.e. you're near the end of your obligated service, want to re-up, and haven't been applied or been accepted for a commission) but apply/get picked up for a commission later down the road, you get to keep what you received. However, if you get picked up for a commissioning program and re-enlist to meet your required obligation (i.e. 6 years for STA-21), you shouldn't get an SRB and if you do, they will take it away...all of it. There seems to be a bit of a grey area in the timing if you go STA-21 though. I don't remember exact dates, but I want to say that if you applied for STA-21 and re-enlisted after July 1 of that year (when the packages are due) and you get selected, then you won't get an SRB. There were guys all up in arms and ready to riot at the PSD brief over their SRB being taken away.

This is just what I've seen/experienced. When I got picked up I was well into my re-enlistment and I set up an extention for the remaining time. I didn't have to give any of my SRB back, even my installment for the FY I was selected. Other guys applied and then re-upped before the results came out, got selected, and found out at NSI that the SRB money they'd received had to be paid back.

I will be applying for OCS directly. I will definitely have already re-enlisted and got half of the SRB already. That really would BLOW if you have to pay that SRB back...


The Shipmate formerly known as AT2.
I'm not sure how OCS works, I would talk to PSD and find out. It would definitely bite if you ended up owing the Navy half an SRB! You can bet that if you wait until after you pick up OCS to re-enlist, you won't get an SRB. If you re-up before your OCS package goes up, you've got a shot at getting/keeping one.


Solidly part of the 42%.
You can talk to PSD, but also look through every single message and order that applies to your program until you are absolutely satisfied with the answer because you're talking about a lot of money. You'll probably get some glassy eyed looks and some dark side jokes from the admin types. I know the program I got commissioned through definitely took away your SRB if you picked up. You even had to put a "directed comment" in your application stating that you understood that fact.

BTW, if a Navy career counselor is anything like a Marine career planner he isn't doing his job if he's not helping you toward a definitive answer to this better than an internet forum.


I'm not sure how OCS works, I would talk to PSD and find out. It would definitely bite if you ended up owing the Navy half an SRB! You can bet that if you wait until after you pick up OCS to re-enlist, you won't get an SRB. If you re-up before your OCS package goes up, you've got a shot at getting/keeping one.

You can talk to PSD, but also look through every single message and order that applies to your program until you are absolutely satisfied with the answer because you're talking about a lot of money. You'll probably get some glassy eyed looks and some dark side jokes from the admin types. I know the program I got commissioned through definitely took away your SRB if you picked up. You even had to put a "directed comment" in your application stating that you understood that fact.

BTW, if a Navy career counselor is anything like a Marine career planner he isn't doing his job if he's not helping you toward a definitive answer to this better than an internet forum.

Yeah yall are probably right about talking to PSD about it. I looked through the officer programs instruction and found nothing with regards to SRB and OCS applicants, but did find what Van was talking about for STA-21 meeting obliserv by reenlisting and not being eligible for SRB.