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Lost Test Scores

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Registered User
My recruiter passed on some bad news to me on Friday. Apparently my test scores were lost. As the board was reviewing my package, they went to look in the data base for my scores and there wasn't any record of me taking the test. My recruiter sent out the scores to his boss in Seattle; Seattle sent them to Pensacola and from there the trail ends. He sent them out six weeks ago via certified mail, so hopefully they will be able to track them down, if not I may have to retest, which would suck because I did pretty good the first time.It also means I will have to wait even longer to hear if I am in or not. If anyone has any good advise I will take it.


Registered User
Mike, sorry to hear that. I wish I had some advice for you but I've never heard of that happening. It's one thing to get hung up on something that you yourself are responsible for, but when it's because of someone elses incompetence, that's tough to stomach. I'm interested to hear how it turns out, so keep us informed.



Registered User
Dude, all I can say is that sucks. Some chick at my recruiter's office lost a letter of recommendation that I had hand delivered and then denied ever receiving it from me when an Lt. called her onto the carpet. My fault though...I shouldn't have given it to anyone except my own recruiter. Anyway, I can understand that you're probably pissed, but Dave Shutter made a point in a recent post that "it's a long road" to getting your wings. This probably isn't the last time that you or I will deal with some kind of bs...


Registered User
Yes, it sucks horribly. It does not look like they are going to find it anytime soon, so I am preparing myself to take the test again


Registered User
It could be worse, man. The first time I tried to take the test, I totaled my truck on the way in to the recruiter's office and then I got hauled off in the meat wagon. Didn't take the test that day...


Registered User
Yes, it could be worse, I retook the test today and scored higher than before. The Fed-Exed the test today so I should hopefully find out next week if i'm in.


Registered User
Mike did you take the same test? Or was it a different test? If it was a different test what was your opinion of the 2nd test?


Registered User
No, it was a different test, apparently you can not take the same test two times in a row. I thought the math and verbal on the second test was a little easier but I also thought the spatial was a little harder, though I only missed five from that section. Overall there was not a huge difference but my recruiter said most people do better on the test I just took.


Registered User
Why would you want to take it again? The last time I was in the Navy office there was some poor guy taking the test for the second time because his scores were pretty low the first time he took the test; he scored even lower the second time. If your scores are good I wouldn't mess with it.


Registered User
I dunno, I'm thinking of retaking the test just so I can get a higher math/verbal results than before. I scored perfect on the spacial and stuff, but made the SNA minimum on the math/verbal portion. If its a little easier then that will be just a bonus, with my luck they'll give us the harder version ... so oh well, damned if ya do and damned if ya dont.

"Valion310 inbound at 10 - OH MY GOD! WHAT IS THAT!"


Registered User
Hard to tell, I don't know if the Navy gives the same test nation wide but if they do, I think you would be pretty safe, expecially if you use the study guides. I studied for a couple of hours using only the guides, very helpful. Good luck on what ever you do. When are you going to submit your package?
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