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Maoism alive and well Chairman


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
Come now Comrade, we all know that religion is the opiate of the masses... after all, "We have entered a new era today ... the dream of the whole nation."

Better start believing the dream ... or else.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
"Republic" my foot. We'll see how long it takes them to undergo a Cultural Revolution and a Great Leap Forward.

(Insert A4s' sig here . . .:icon_tong)


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
Mao--the greatest plagiarist of modern times.
Ironic that the Chinese reverse-engineer everything. If they hadanyy original ingenuity, they would have figured out human cloning years ago aftern watching a bootleg copy of Universal Soldier.
Because India has no Communist ties, right?

I don't think it's a huge stretch to suggest that Nepal's proximity to Red China helped the takeover. Mind the ironic imagery.

But yeah, pretty slow domino.


Working Plan B
Because India has no Communist ties, right?

I don't think it's a huge stretch to suggest that Nepal's proximity to Red China helped the takeover. Mind the ironic imagery.

But yeah, pretty slow domino.

Ok, let's be serious here for a second.

1) The Indians only got involved with the Reds (like Nassar) because they offered a better perk package.

2) How do you explain the Sandanistas? Sure, proximity makes agitation easier / puts like-minds together, but so does a pissed-off and fed-up populace. It's only one piece of the puzzle.

3) Domino theory never worked out predictably anywhere and probably never will. You're either pre-disposed to Scarlet Fever, or you aren't.


Super Moderator
Because India has no Communist ties, right?

I don't think it's a huge stretch to suggest that Nepal's proximity to Red China helped the takeover. Mind the ironic imagery.

But yeah, pretty slow domino.

India's Communist party actually supports the current government coalition, but they don't hav emuch real power. They can make some noise and play spoiler, like with the US-India nuclear agreement, but they have little real power.

India has its own Maoist rebellion, they are called the Naxalites there. They are not a serious threat, but they are making some trouble. Like in Nepal, they garner some support from the peasants who live in the poverty stricken areas.



P.S. I wonder what this does to Gurkha recruiting? I imagine the Maoists won't be able to stop it, since the salaries and pensions from the Gurkhas provide a lot of income for the country.
I'm not suggesting that the world is going to fall under a global communist takeover. I just don't think it's a coincidence that the lasting Commie countries seem to grow off of Russia and China like tumors.