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march 23 still kickin it

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60 bubba
hey...for those of you that care...us march 23 boys are still alive and kicking. its amazing that its already been 7 weeks...time has no real meaning here. for anyone that cares i'll post a true narative about ocs in the week to come.


60 bubba
well, i'm sorry i haven't been able to post lately...we stay busy, needless to say. but i will tell this: we started with 42 and are now at 22. yikes.


Registered User
Wow, actually got some free time, just wanted to jump in, I'm here in class 21 with el riddle, and I remember scouring these boards before I came here. As for the honest to God truth, no matter what you read, nothing can truly "prepare" you for the experience which is OCS. My recruiter kept saying it was no big deal, I'm pretty sure he didn't go through it. BTW, I came in with class 20, but rolled during the third week due to shin splints. Getting rolled is a lot more common that the recruiters will tell you, so don't have anything planned concretely set before you come!


Registered User
DAMN!!! 50% are gone?!?!?!

Naw...they're most likely in the class(es) below or in med hold in GTX company. But it's a good idea to have contingencies for that, i.e don't set your grad date in stone. What is 2 weeks in the grand scheme of things? Nothing! Stop worrying so much folks and just show up!

Edited by - Kraftwerk on 05/14/2002 00:49:53


60 bubba
yeah, guys...you can't stress the idea of possibly rolling. there are some things you just can't control, i.e. shin splints, hurt ancles,bad illness and the such, but there are some that you can prevent. some rolled do to not coming in shape and thats their own fault. actually if you want to gut it out, most things you can work through. i'm not saying that if you come here and get hurt not to got get stuff taken care of, but if you have a cold, or a something else that you would consider mild, i would recommend trying to tought it out. if you are med down, almost assuredly you will roll, epecially if its before drill comp.

one of the most common ways of rolling is academics though. it is not a judgement call if you fail two tests. there is no consideration of the type of candidate you are. if you fail the same test twice you are rolling. so make academics a priority.

here is my advice for all of you coming...so listen up and maybe you'll learn something:

COME IN SHAPE - if you can't do 65 pushups and 85 sit ups and run at least a 10:30 then you are in for some hurting. however trust me, you will have tons of pt'ing to get into shape, but believe me when i say you do not want to get in shape here.

FOCUS ON ONE EVOLUTION AT A TIME - you can't stress things. you have to take one thing at a time or else you'll go nuts. if you have a test, study for the test, if you have drill that day, focus on drill. if its pt, then pt...just think and consentrate on what you are doing that exact moment

FOCUS ON GRADED EVOLUTIONS - when it comes down to studying/shining your shoes or studying...STUDY

MAKE ACADEMICS A PRIORITY - enough said...you don't want to roll, and you most certainly don't want to end up in the soul sucking gtx.

HAVE THICK SKIN AND A SHORT MEMORY - you will be yelled at, both by di's and up tight candidates.
which brings me too...

DON'T BE AN UPTIGHT CANDIDATE - those suck and everyone will hate you. you must keep a since of humor and realize that this place is in actuallity really quite humorous. and as you become the senior class, you will see how funny the di's actually are and you'll wonder why you didn't like them at first.

i'm rambling and my attention is diverted...lo siento. bottom line, know when to be locked on and when to relax. keep your sense of humor it will save you. come in shape and enjoy your pt. don't get worked up about the small things. focus on graded evolutions and kick butt in the classroom. oh, it helps if you at least fake enthusiasm for drill, after all your di is a DRILL instructor, that might clue you off.

good luck to all.



Registered User
Haven't been there yet, but is sounds like some solid advice. Advice that could help in civy life as well. Thanks el riddle.

Brad (Aug. 31 OCS class)


60 bubba
sorry paps wrong class,
i'm in 21...we are about to have our nineth week though, so you never know. sorry to hear you're stuck in gtx. no actually 21 is rolling right along. if we manage to get some of the pt scores up we have an outside chance of realling doing something. time will tell. but as to the 23 boys, that totally sucked i was bummed to see them lose so many, but my class did everything we could. some times they best thing to do is just listen to the upper classes and try and learn.


Registered User
Pap, they want you DOR, spell it, DEEE-OOOO-ARRRRRR! :)

hehe, sorry V, I could not help it - Don't give up the ship man!



Registered User
The way I have come up with preparing for the physical demands of OCS (since I have until March 03) is to go through the ROTC Ranger training indoctrination program again. I did it once during school and it was the best shape I have been in. You may be able to find a similar program at a nearby university with Army ROTC. All it will cost you is some minor $$ for BDUs and some grey shorts. Oh, and getting there at 4AM every week day.

Otherwise, something to supplement the OCS training program given out by the Navy would be the Navy SEAL training book at http://www.navyseals.com/community/navyseals/navysealworkout_main.cfm or the Ranger preparation training regimen at http://www.benning.army.mil/rtb/ranger/PhysicalTraining.htm

Hope this helps someone.


Edited by - agent00jp on 06/01/2002 14:00:47

Paul Burke

Registered User
Here is my advice as far as working out prior to coming to OCS. Don't worry about it. Just come here with the ability to do the In-PRT as a minimum. If you come here in better shape then cool but if not then don't worry about it. The DI's will get you in shape soon enough. Don't come here in really bad shape though. Like Pap said before, GTX is not where you want to get into shape at. You want to get here, do what you need to do and get out.


Registered User
I GOT NO WHERE ELSE TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PAP daddy loves you! make us proud
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