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March ARB Airshow, 12-13 April 2025


Well-Known Member
Big SoCal show.

Note that our A-37 Killer Tweet... the only one flying in North America (until last week)... will be performing at the March ARB Airshow on 12-13 April. Although I'm one of the two pilots, I don't fly it in airshow aerobatics, but the guy that does is absolutely top shelf. And the jet has the best smoke system of any jet out there.

It is currently spending the winter in the Warhawk Museum at Nampa, ID. It has a unique history in that it flew 2200 hours of combat with the RVNAF... and when the South was overrun, was captured by the communists, who then flew the jet in combat against the South Vietnamese. Yes, it flew for the Good Guys AND the Bad Guys. It's one of 10 A-37's that were bought from the fuckin' commies by an Aussie, and finally purchased by the current owner who spent 20 years restoring it himself. He has photos of his jet with both the North and the South, and it looks exactly the way it did in 1972.
If you make it to the March Airshow, swing by and introduce yourself. I'll be wearing the bright orange flight suit with the HUGGY name tag. I look like a traffic cone, only bigger. Hard to miss.

And yes, those fuel drop tanks actually work. The jet is thirsty and you need them to go anywhere. But that thirst translates to a lot of power. It puts out in MIL what a T-38A puts out in MAX. Expect to hear more about its exceptional climb performance in the near future.

And yes... it's a Cessna and probably the easiest stick and rudder airplane you'll ever fly.

Fortune favors the prepared.
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Well-Known Member
Seeing as you... my boat-bound-brethren... may be unfamiliar with the greatest attack plane never known, I encourage you to watch this educational video. Not only is the narrator hilarious, his historical accuracy is solid.


is clara ship
Don't our enemies to the north fly that thing in airshows and paint it in funny colors?

jk, I know they are actually different airplanes. Thanks for sharing, would be cool to see your bird fly. Holy hell that's a rocket pod!


Well-Known Member
Seeing as you... my boat-bound-brethren... may be unfamiliar with the greatest attack plane never known, I encourage you to watch this educational video. Not only is the narrator hilarious, his historical accuracy is solid.
The Fat Electrician is funny shit. I endorse.


Adulting is hard
@HuggyU2 see you there! My 12 year old loves the museum at March. Last month we wandered into the radio portion of the museum and had a great talk with the docent who’s also a Navy ET1 Reservist. He also digs the T-37 because I was a Vance JSUPT student back in the 1900s.


Cereal Killer
Seeing as you... my boat-bound-brethren... may be unfamiliar with the greatest attack plane never known, I encourage you to watch this educational video. Not only is the narrator hilarious, his historical accuracy is solid.
I say this every time you bring it up, but my old man says that his favorite airplane to fly was the A-37 (he also flew the A-10 and F-16). You could get it to exceed Vne in straight and level flight on a cold day in Syracuse. Tons of power, tiny airplane, a real sports car- and you could take a friend with you if you really wanted to.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy reading that.
My first flight in the plane, I ran the power up to 85%... then released brakes and simultaneoulsly went MIL. The acceleration surprised me and I even let out a little "AH!!" like a little girl. I'm rolling down the runway, looking over at the instructor and saying "I can't believe I just screamed!".

Astronaut Mike Masucci says that they would drag race the A-37 and Viper at Test Pilot School, and the A-37 would get the jump... for the first few hundred feet anyways. Haha!

As I said, some more interesting news coming down the pike on the A-37 later this year.

See you at March, PhrogLoop.