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Marine Massacre


Well-Known Member
NBC is preparing to show a segment on accusations that some sort of atrocity occured in Iraq. Congressman Murtha seems to be the one that is making the accusations. I'll post more after it airs , but I figured I'd give the heads up.

edit: thats the link below. NBC reported that Murtha is still " close to his Corps" yet I was under the impression he wasn't very popular among the military.


he will die without safety brief
HighDimension said:
NBC is preparing to show a segment on accusations that some sort of atrocity occured in Iraq. Congressman Murtha seems to be the one that is making the accusations. I'll post more after it airs , but I figured I'd give the heads up.

edit: thats the link below. NBC reported that Murtha is still " close to his Corps" yet I was under the impression he wasn't very popular among the military.
Where'd you get that impression?


Well-Known Member
Well the people I have talked with since his " Our troops don't have what it takes to win" speech haven't had a very favorable view of him. Perhaps I was mistaken, it has happened before =)


he will die without safety brief
HighDimension said:
Well the people I have talked with since his " Our troops don't have what it takes to win" speech haven't had a very favorable view of him. Perhaps I was mistaken, it has happened before =)
What speech was that? Perhaps you're referring to his assessment that the continued presence of troops in Iraq causes more harm than good, which is a bit different than "our troops don't have what it takes to win."


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RetreadRand said:
I like him, I look at him as an experienced voice of reason able to provide some insights that not many other politicians can because most did not serve in the military.
I don't like him. He's an ideologue who uses his military experience as an excuse/justification for his left-field ideas which in the long run hurt the military and our foreign policy.

But, to each his own. :D



he will die without safety brief
Brett327 said:
I don't like him. He's an ideologue who uses his military experience as an excuse/justification for his left-field ideas which in the long run hurt the military and our foreign policy.

But, to each his own. :D



Well-Known Member
squorch2 said:
What speech was that? Perhaps you're referring to his assessment that the continued presence of troops in Iraq causes more harm than good, which is a bit different than "our troops don't have what it takes to win."


Well, here is a link to the speech. I guess you could look at it a couple of different ways. I respect your opinion but at the same time I would tend to think that he is saying that our troops don't have the ability to accomplish any further goals in Iraq. A guy that went to my high school was killed in Iraq and family still vehemently supports the war. I have not talked to one person returning from Iraq that has felt that we aren't doing good over there. ( Maybe some will respond on here ) Granted, the situation is not the best, but across the board they say what you hear on the news is the negative. You don't hear about the positive things that happen, listening to the news you really could agree with Congressman Murtha. I will be happy when we are out of Iraq and the troops can come home, but I believe that we can't just "cut-and-run" like he suggests. Thats just my opinion and I guess if you think I'm retarded then .. you're wrong :D j/k


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The difference being that I never held up Col North as being particularly praise-worthy. For someone who decries the use of straw men, you sure know how to spot 'em.



he will die without safety brief
Nice try fellas- I'm saying that you can apply what Brett said to former military members across the political spectrum, depending on your POV.


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squorch2 said:
Nice try fellas- I'm saying that you can apply what Brett said to former military members across the political spectrum, depending on your POV.
But I never claimed otherwise. Both sides of the aisle have extremists and nut jobs, but we were talking specifically about Murtha. You can argue with my assessment of his position, but pointing out that there are other military members who have done questionable things is invalid. At least have the intellectual honesty to evaluate the issue at hand without pulling out your DNC talking points.



he will die without safety brief
HighDimension said:

Well, here is a link to the speech. I guess you could look at it a couple of different ways. I respect your opinion but at the same time I would tend to think that he is saying that our troops don't have the ability to accomplish any further goals in Iraq.
Agreed, the speech is open to interpretation. I would say that "our troops don't have the ability to accomplish any further goals in Iraq" is precisely what Murtha means... that the militarization of the reconstruction effort has reached a limit to its effectiveness. It's not a swipe against the military, which isn't really designed to nation-build - it's a realization that while yes, we can make some progress around the edges such as new schools, new cell towers, etc., the fact that such a visible presence inflames the insurgency. Murtha's solution has its own problems (security, anyone?), but at this point doing nothing is almost as bad as doing anything.