Welcome to the board!
Once he gets down to Pensacola and checks into MATSG (Marine aviation support group) they will give him an API (aviation preflight indoctrine) start date and primary location. Before he leaves TBS, he 'should' have a general idea of when he'll start API and where he'll go to primary. This isn't always the case though. You are right, API is six weeks and is the "ground school" for the pipeline. Once he finishes API he'll then go to Primary. The 3 primary locations that he can go to are: Whiting Field (a few miles northeast of Pcola), Corpus Christi TX and Vance AFB in Enid Ok. He'll get to pick his primary location and most of the time it'll be honored, but there are times when students will get sent to their second and third choice for primary location. Primary is where he'll start flying and primary lasts anywhere from 6-9 months. From there he'll put in a dream sheet of Jets, Props or Helos, and grades/needs of the USMC at the time will determine what he gets. If he gets props he'll go to Corpus Christi Tx for 4-6 months. Helos are there at Whiting for another 6 months or so, and the two jet locations are Meridian Miss or Kingsville Tx for a year plus. Some guys choose primary at Whiting because that is one less move plus """IF""" they get helos that'll be another move they won't have to make. So there is a chance he can get all of his flight school done there in the Pensacola area.
Hope I answered any question you have, don't hesitate to ask more.