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marines guarantee a pilot slot to college freshmen


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
During a NROTC presentation on Friday, I learned that the Marines can guarantee pilot slots even to Freshmen in ROTC. I looked it up on the Internet and found this page with a bit of information:

At the NROTC presentation, they said that the selection goes into your file in your sophomore year. You don't have to compete for a pilot slot in the Basic School.

With all the talk about Naval ROTC taking people interested in SNA and SNFO and trying to get them to go to Nuke school instead, I thought this might be interesting for those of us who haven't yet started college yet.

I'm not really interested myself though - I guess I'll take my chances with the Navy - although I personally think the Marine camoflage uniforms are a real fashion statement... I love them! :D


New Member
I'm pretty confident that this is no longer true. This was true until a year or so ago. Now I believe that Marine Options in ROTC units apply for roughly 60 pilot slots during their senior year, before commissioning/TBS. The sophomore year guaranteed aviation contract no longer exists...I Believe.


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
I'm pretty confident that this is no longer true. This was true until a year or so ago. Now I believe that Marine Options in ROTC units apply for roughly 60 pilot slots during their senior year, before commissioning/TBS. The sophomore year guaranteed aviation contract no longer exists...I Believe.

I'm not doubting you, but the NROTC Commander at the Virginia Military Institute, who is a marine aviator himself, told about this aviation guarantee straight out to a bunch of us prospective cadet just two days ago in an NROTC presentation. He had a bunch of his NROTC staff there too. We all asked him a bunch of questions about it, and he said that the guarantee goes into your file in the sophomore year. :confused:


New Member
Aviation guarantee has to be put in before the end of the junior year. I think the confusion may exist, because you can start your request as early as the end of your freshman year to be put in while you're a sophomore.


Formerly SNA2007
During a NROTC presentation on Friday, I learned that the Marines can guarantee pilot slots even to Freshmen in ROTC. I looked it up on the Internet and found this page with a bit of information:

At the NROTC presentation, they said that the selection goes into your file in your sophomore year. You don't have to compete for a pilot slot in the Basic School.

With all the talk about Naval ROTC taking people interested in SNA and SNFO and trying to get them to go to Nuke school instead, I thought this might be interesting for those of us who haven't yet started college yet.

I'm not really interested myself though - I guess I'll take my chances with the Navy - although I personally think the Marine camoflage uniforms are a real fashion statement... I love them! :D

Yes Marines can garuantee the slot, but by the time you would be ready to be comissioned (in 4 years or so) the Navy would most likely have different goals in mind. They might need a ton of swos or a ton of aviators. From what I have seen over the past 5 years, there never seems to be smooth transitions. The needs of the Navy always seems to take drastic knee jerk reactions. Just don't be a tool, do well, and if you have good class advisors they will take care of you and your service selection.