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Married and Moving to P-cola After OCS


bears, beets, battlestar galactica.
This may have been answered on here somewhere but I can't think of what to search for to find the answer.

I'm married with no children and was wondering how much time I might be given to get me, my wife and our two dogs to Pensacola from Newport? I guess my real question is, will I be given time to find a place to live and to organize a move before I have to report? I know that single officers need time to move as well so they could benefit from the information too.


New Member
house hunting leave?

You are going to be an NFO right, so I assume you have PCS orders to PCOLA. If that's the case, you should be able to get 10 days of house hunting leave dependent on the number of people in the API pool. If they have a space for you when you show up, you will class up. However, with all the Academy kids showing up this time of year you will probably have atleast a couple of weeks before hitting an open slot in API. Before you start the move, give the student control officer for API a call, and ask about the house hunting leave.....he/she should be able to help you with the specifics. Hope this helps.


bears, beets, battlestar galactica.
I don't actually report to OCS until Oct. 19th and should graduate at the end of January. So far, almost my whole class is made up of SNFO's and SNA's which would tell me that they want us to class up pretty quickly...less quickly for those of us who need IFS.


Well-Known Member
You are going to be an NFO right, so I assume you have PCS orders to PCOLA. If that's the case, you should be able to get 10 days of house hunting leave dependent on the number of people in the API pool. If they have a space for you when you show up, you will class up. However, with all the Academy kids showing up this time of year you will probably have atleast a couple of weeks before hitting an open slot in API. Before you start the move, give the student control officer for API a call, and ask about the house hunting leave.....he/she should be able to help you with the specifics. Hope this helps.

I'm not sure house hunting leave is authorized for new accessions. I looked into it (very) briefly and it didn't seem like an option for me. I could be wrong.

WRT how much time you get on the way down here, it depends on where you're coming from, but if you're checking out of OCS in RI and coming straight here it's 4 days of travel time. There's an order to be had out there on the interweb that goes more in depth about travel time and advance leave but I can't remember where it is. Good luck.


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
FWIW, the housing market in Pensacola is very soft right now. This means you can easily find a month-to-month rental apt. or house most anywhere in the area, during which time you & your bride can be looking for a more permanent place to live while you're in NFO training. There are worse places than P-cola to spend a year while getting your wings. Good luck.


bears, beets, battlestar galactica.
I'm certainly not worried about not being able to find a place. I know the condition of the housing market and rental will be my most likely choice. I would consider buying but I'm not sure how long I'll even be in Pensacola. Isn't the timeline different for each type of aircraft you could be assigned? If I were going to be there for more than two years I would consider buying a home. The housing market could turn in that time or it could be much worse...who freakin' knows with the way the economy is being handled these days.