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Registered User
I havent seen any posts about this years MECEP, and I was just wondering if anybody else was as anxious as I am about the results and possibly what other current applicants stats were.


New Member
The results are supposed to be out 21 or 22 OCT according MCRC, so you still have another couple of weeks. Here are my stats so you can compare if you want:
26 y/o
Sgt (Staff Sgt select)
7 1/2 yrs of service
270 pft 229 rifle score
What else would you like to know


Registered User
4 yrs of service
Meritorious Cpl
PFT: 281
AFQT: 85
College GPA: 3.25\ 53 Hrs
RR: 200


Registered User
I've been hoping that they would release the results early since the board convened on Sept 22. I've been checking the internet everyday since then for the results.
21 y/o
ACT: 24
Rifle: 27 (Shapshooter)
High School GPA: 3.94
College: 9 Credits (So Far)
Applied as a LCpl but now am a Cpl with 2 years TIS.

I kicked ass on the MCECEP board and have a decent ACT score. Other than that I don't think I am going to be too competitive because of the lack of TIS. Hopefully that won't be a huge factor. I spoke with some Marines that made the MECEP program and they said that most Marines had to apply up to three times before they were accepted. Made me nervous because if I don't get in this time, Hello Civ Div.


Registered User
4 yrs of service
Meritorious Cpl
PFT: 281
AFQT: 85
College GPA: 3.25\ 53 Hrs
RR: 200

Did you not take the SAT or ACT? That could be the only thing that might stick out for them. It is hard to predict what they will hit on. It took me 2 times, but I admit I was much more competitive the second time around. I had improved my SAT, had some college, and another 2 years of serivice plus Sgt.


Registered User

Did you get promoted on July 1?

Sorry for the delayed response. I've been on the range this whole week and you know how tiring that can be. No, I was promoted to on October 1, 2006 Oooorah!!!! Maradmin should come out this Friday fellas. Good luck.


New Member
I spoke with some Marines that made the MECEP program and they said that most Marines had to apply up to three times before they were accepted. Made me nervous because if I don't get in this time, Hello Civ Div.

Things must have really changed in the last few years. When I went through MECEP Prep, about 75-80% of the class (about 75-80 people) got in on their first try. There were about 15-20 who applied twice and only about 5 of us who got in on our third try. I'd really like to hear from people who have been through in the last three or four years as to how their classes were made up. Not being snarky, I'm really curious.


Registered User
Things must have really changed in the last few years. When I went through MECEP Prep, about 75-80% of the class (about 75-80 people) got in on their first try. There were about 15-20 who applied twice and only about 5 of us who got in on our third try. I'd really like to hear from people who have been through in the last three or four years as to how their classes were made up. Not being snarky, I'm really curious.

This is my second year in. It seemed like our class was a pretty good mix. We had some who had applied 2 or 3 times and others who got it on their first try. Most of the Marines there were Sgts, but we also had a lot of SSgts and a couple or three Cpls. The talent pool was pretty good also, most of the guys were pretty good to go and only a few turds.


Registered User
I applied, and I pretty anxious myself. I found estimated dates for all of the commissioning programs on mcrc's website (don't know where exactly or how i found it), and it said that the results for the board should be out on the 20th. Goodluck to all who applied.

4 yr TIS
294 PFT
47 Rifle
1210 SAT


Registered User
I forgot I wanted to ask you MECEP people about the body fat percentage. Unfortunately, due to the inaccurate body fat percentage calculation system that the Marine Corps has, I taped at 22%. I didn't think it was that big of a deal since a had a pretty good 1st class PFT but on the way up the chain, the MCABE Colonel stopped my package and suggested that I lower my body fat before submitting my package. He tried to convince me to try again next year with a lower percentage. I had them send it up anyway. I never thought of myself as fat but that really bummed me out. In fact, that's what I'm the most worried about. I think that the screwed up body fat calculator is going to end my career in the Marine Corps. What do you guys think?


Registered User
Things must have really changed in the last few years. When I went through MECEP Prep, about 75-80% of the class (about 75-80 people) got in on their first try. There were about 15-20 who applied twice and only about 5 of us who got in on our third try. I'd really like to hear from people who have been through in the last three or four years as to how their classes were made up. Not being snarky, I'm really curious.

I remember as I was googling various MECEP websites, I came across a few pages containing the text "MECEP is one of the Marine Corps best kept secrets." I believe that a few years ago that it was but now most Marines that I know had heard of the program. I remember at least being told about the program from six different people throughout boot camp until I hit the fleet. Soon after the FY07 MECEP Maradmin was released, I saw the Maradmin posted in hallways at the barracks, office, and chow hall. I remember even receiving a mass email for the Maradmin which was sent out by MCABE. It's so widely publicized now that many more packages are being sent in. Survival of the fittest and I may just be cutting it close.