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Med Student to Pilot?


New Member
Hey Everyone- I have a question about the path to becoming a pilot in both the Navy and Air Force. Back in high school I considered applying to the academies because my dream was to fly for the military. Instead, I went to a public U and am now in medical school. BUT I still find myself dreaming about flying the incredible aircraft these people get to fly. I broke down and took out loans to start my private pilot's license and am contemplating if I might should have chosen the academy route way back when.

So my question is: what would I need to do to get into a military flight program? If I sign on to Navy/Air Force now I would attend OTS while in medical school and of course they'd want me as a GMO or FS. I know I'd get to fly as a flight surgeon but I want to PILOT. Thanks for any advice- I'd do anything to get in one of those seats.


Crusty Shellback
Hey Everyone- I have a question about the path to becoming a pilot in both the Navy and Air Force. Back in high school I considered applying to the academies because my dream was to fly for the military. Instead, I went to a public U and am now in medical school. BUT I still find myself dreaming about flying the incredible aircraft these people get to fly. I broke down and took out loans to start my private pilot's license and am contemplating if I might should have chosen the academy route way back when.

So my question is: what would I need to do to get into a military flight program? If I sign on to Navy/Air Force now I would attend OTS while in medical school and of course they'd want me as a GMO or FS. I know I'd get to fly as a flight surgeon but I want to PILOT. Thanks for any advice- I'd do anything to get in one of those seats.

Well your first course of action is to get in touch with a local Navy Officer recruiter. Look through the yellow pages (who still does that?) ..or call an Enlisted recruiter and ask for the number to the Officer recruiter...if you talk to the Enlisted recruiter ask ONLY for the officer recruiter number, it shouldn't be a problem just don't wind up enlisting when you thought you were trying to become an Officer to fly Navy jets..it's happened.

Good luck and they will point you in the right direction.


Something witty.
Might be pulling leaves off two different trees here, but isn't there a dual designator program that lets flight surgeons get winged as NAs also? I seem to remember hearing something about such a program.

EDIT: Found it. It's called the Aeromedical Dual Designator Program, but you have to be a previously winged pilot. (or equivalent from another service)

http://doni.daps.dla.mil/Directives...y Training and Education Services/1542.4C.pdf


Super Moderator
Might be pulling leaves off two different trees here, but isn't there a dual designator program that lets flight surgeons get winged as NAs also? I seem to remember hearing something about such a program.

EDIT: Found it. It's called the Aeromedical Dual Designator Program, but you have to be a previously winged pilot. (or equivalent from another service)

http://doni.daps.dla.mil/Directives...y Training and Education Services/1542.4C.pdf

Unless the program has changed very recently you do not have to be a previously winged pilot, it says so in the instruction you linked (Page 2, Para 5-b) ;). This is not a program that started in 2001, it had just gone dormant for a few years because people forgot about it. I went through the Prowler RAG with one and a well known member of that small community was CAPT David Brown, who was on the space shuttle Columbia when she went down. It is not a very common program and you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get there, so I wouldn't depend too much on going down that path, though it is a possibility.


Something witty.
Unless the program has changed very recently you do not have to be a previously winged pilot, it says so in the instruction you linked (Page 2, Para 5-b) ;). This is not a program that started in 2001, it had just gone dormant for a few years because people forgot about it. I went through the Prowler RAG with one and a well known member of that small community was CAPT David Brown, who was on the space shuttle Columbia when she went down. It is not a very common program and you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get there, so I wouldn't depend too much on going down that path, though it is a possibility.

Jeeze, Flash. You're killing me! :D


Active Member
Like OUSOONER said, get in touch with an Officer recruiter and have some questions ready. They'll point you in the right direction and let you know the next steps as far as getting a flight billet is concerned.

Remember (and I'm sure you have thought of this), that flying in the military isn't just about flying cool aircraft. When I read your post I initially remembered that I had some of the same thoughts when I first started thinking about applying. The idea of flying is different than the reality of it sometimes (my opinion). My limited experience flying as a civilian was super fun and enjoyable; Navy/military flight school is a different story, but obviously a means to an very rewarding end. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


New Member
Thank you everyone for your replies. I am calling the local Officer Recruiter tomorrow. I noticed this section of the memo:
'Those aeromedical officers who were previously designated naval aviators are primary candidates for this program. Those aeromedical officers not previously designated as a pilot or NFO, or who hold aeronautical ratings from other military services are not primary candidates for the AMDD program, but may be considered'

Is there any way to attempt to be designated as a naval aviator BEFORE something else like GMO outta medical school? Or will they say heck no you go where we need you=GMO?

Also srqwho, I'd be really interested in how your image of flying changed when you transferred from civilian to military aviation. I dated the daughter of a F-16 pilot for three years so I may have received a small glimpse into the life-the home life at least. Thank you all for the great responses.