New Member
I tried to google and index if this question had come up before, but did not find anything so apologies if this is a repetitive question. 24YO M studying for ASTB and also ensuring all my medical paperwork is in order while I prepare for the test. This year I had double jaw reconstruction, leaving me with titanium plates and screws in permanently, as well as a congenital defect repair (thyroglossal duct cyst), (and a follow up emergency addon surgery to close a fistula, making for a cool $270k in medical expenses this year, as well as 2 tonsillectomies last year) I anticipate these being a bit of a roadblock with the navy, my recruiter mentioned that the waiver process is different than it has been in the past, and that my charts will be reviewed first, and then determination for whether or not I need waivers will be made. Both of my surgeons have assured me that I am 100% approved for anything I could face in any service. For anyone who has gone through this waiver process, or that (currently or used to) review these situation is looking to see in the charting from the docs that treated me, and possibly even avoid needing a waiver from the charts being written correctly. Docs I have worked with are fantastic, and want to ensure I have as smooth of a process as possible, I am just having a hard time finding information to give them, or if a general, "he's recovered and good to go" on my chart is enough. Basically the obstacle trying to get myself evaluated as I am now, all my genetic defects repaired, a relatively accomplished collegiate club athlete that is training for triathlon and ultramarathons.
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance