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Medical physicals at ocs.


Registered User
So what kind of physical do you get at ocs? Is it the same as what you get at BUMED? The reason I am asking is that I got this "Rash" from my ex and I dont want to be sent home for something stupid.


Dean of Students
Uhhh, I wouldn't show up with an STD that you could spread around the squadbay. Plus, the staff would be relentless with a Candidate Ghonorrhea. Go in as good of health as possible.


War were declared.
The physical at OCS is not as involved as the physical you recieve at MEPS, just a once over. That's not the point though, showing up to OCS with an STD is bad ju ju. You will receive hygiene inspections at OCS, and your rash will be brought to attention at some point, which will ultimately resulting in you getting kicked out of OCS, and all the guys in your platoon remembering you as one of their favorite "guy who got kicked out of my platoon" stories for years to come. I recommend you go to the doctor as soon as possible (as in, stop reading this post and go now), and I also recommend minimal skank-railing from here on out.

By the way Doc- outstanding Simpson's reference in the signature.


Really old guy
Yup, you should get it checked out as soon as possible. That rash could turn out to have some serious consequences if left unchecked.

As far as spreading it around the squadbay.....ah, nevermind.


Registered User
OK be nice now, went to a doc, found out it was a genital wart (said it was a rash because I was embarsed) anyway the only way a doc will see it is if they make us touch our toes and spread them if you know what I mean, do they do that at ocs?


Registered User
Hahaha too funny, poor guy, no more nasty girls bro before you leave. Man its been so long I can not even remember what the physicals are like. SO can anyone help this poor kid. Only 20 days left boys


Registered User
This is getting funny, but you gotta feel bad. If you had a wart on your hand would the send you home?


New Member
usmcnewb said:
OK be nice now, went to a doc, found out it was a genital wart (said it was a rash because I was embarsed) anyway the only way a doc will see it is if they make us touch our toes and spread them if you know what I mean, do they do that at ocs?

Only in a figurative sense.

This isn't something to keep a secret. Other than the general hygiene issues that crop up at OCS, how do you think that thing (or things) will react to the abuse (chafing and such) your body suffers at OCS? Then what happens if it gets ripped off or gets worse and you have to go to medical for it? What do you say? "Well the other night on firewatch I walked down to first platoon..."?


Just go to OCS anyway and don't tell anyone about it, unless the doc you saw put you on some kind of medication that you have to take for it. If on the other hand he said there was nothing you could do about it, no one would notice, and it wouldn't give you any problems with all the PT, then just go. Oh yeah, and No one is going to send you home for a wart on your hand, dudes were finishing with stress fractures in their feet for God's sake.


Um... they never checked my junk when I was at OCS, so I doubt it will even get noticed.

Might get chafed or something at OCS, but it might not. I never got chafing at all, but some guys got it bad. But like nocal80 said, just go anyway. Don't lie about it or anything, but don't tell anyone about it.


Simba Barracuda.
Carno said:
Um... they never checked my junk when I was at OCS, so I doubt it will even get noticed.

Might get chafed or something at OCS, but it might not. I never got chafing at all, but some guys got it bad. But like nocal80 said, just go anyway. Don't lie about it or anything, but don't tell anyone about it.

my junk was also neglected. but don't underestimate the number of weird rashes and mysterious ailments that will happen no matter how hard everyone tries to keep clean. i've still never heard of cellulitis occurring anywhere outside of a marine corps environment.

hell, by the time carno left he didn't even look like the same guy as when he got there. which has probably improved his social life.