Medical answer
My comments/emphasis in bold...
From the waiver guide:
Hard to tell from what you posted. But, based upon that limited information, it does not appear that you will have a problem. Be honest with the attending flight doc and all should go your way. It would be wise on your part to bring any supporting paperwork from that one incident...if available.
AEROMEDICAL CONCERNS: Local or systemic reactions to insect bites or stings may lead to incapacitation in as little as three to five minutes. This type of rapid incapacitation is incompatible with aviation duty
without successful diagnosis and treatment.
WAIVER: Any history of systemic
(total body) reaction is considered CD for all DIF.
If the members venom allergy is anaphylactic in nature; that is, potentially life threatening, waivers will generally not be considered. However, if Venom Specific Immunotherapy (VIT) has been completed and the member is on a stable dose of maintenance therapy, waiver may be considered following a challenge dose, with a documented reaction considerably less in severity than the initial reaction. A negative repeat skin test will also be accepted and may be preferable to a challenge dose. The decision for waiver will be made on a case by case basis after review of all the available documentation. Additionally, waiver consideration is directed by the needs of the Navy.
Applicants with a history of cutaneous or mild systemic reactions must have received VIT and be on a stable maintenance dose prior to submitting an application for a waiver. Applicants with severe allergic reactions will not be considered for waiver until they have completed a minimum of three years of VIT and have demonstrated a documented negative repeat skin test.
INFORMATION REQUIRED: A thorough summary of all allergy history and symptoms along with allergy consultation are required. Medical records of previous treatments may also be required.
Venom Specific Immunotherapy (VIT) is required for all adult individuals experiencing systemic or anaphylactic reactions. Cutaneous systemic reactions prior to the age of 16 do not require treatment with VIT and do not require a waiver. These individuals have a minimal risk of systemic reaction as an adult (approximately 10%). However, anaphylactic reactions in individuals less than 16 years of age require allergy/immunology consult and skin testing. If positive, VIT is required for a career in aviation.
Carrying an Emergency Anaphylactic kit (adrenaline) does not preclude a member from consideration for a waiver. In fact, treatment with adrenaline is paramount in reducing morbidity and mortality from allergic reactions to insect stings and bites. In some instances it may be required to carry in the performance of aviation duty. The requirement to carry an emergency anaphylactic kit will be based on the severity of the reaction and the recommendation of the Allergy/Immunology specialist.
DISCUSSION: A generalized reaction to 100 wasps is a normal response, which does not fulfill the criteria of the generalized reaction described above. Anaphylaxis from a single sting is different matter. A person who must have chronic injections so that an insect sting does not kill him is a burden to the Navy.
989.5 Insect Bite, unknown effect of venom
V15.6C Insect Bite, Hx of, not resulting in generalized reaction
V15.6F Insect Bites, Hx of, resulting in generalized reaction