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He bowls overhand.
I just visited MEPS on Thurs. and I failed the depth perception test. I couldn't see the difference between any of the circles on the page. When I told the tech that, she just said "ok" and stopped the test, so I didn't even answer any of the lines. Thing is, I know that my depth perception is ok. It's not like I'm crashing into walls on a daily basis, nor do I have any trouble hitting/fielding in the softball league I'm in even when I play outfield. I'm applying for Nuke...will this affect my acceptance? If so, are there any ways to go about retaking it or getting a second opinion? I did ask my recruiter about it right after. He said that the test only affects pilots, but he didn't seem very confident about the answer. No one at MEPS said that I was disqualified for it (I got a "take this downstairs to the Navy office and you're good to go" from the desk), but are they the ones that tell you if there are any issues or does the review board make that decision? If anyone knows for sure, or could at least point me where to look please let me know. Thanks.


Active Member
TO the best of my knowledge DEPTH PER is not DQ for NUKE. you must not fail the color vision and your eyes must be correctable to 20/20


He bowls overhand.
Check on both those...I had 20/40 distance vision (I knew I was slightly nearsighted going in) that was easily corrected with that odd semi-circle spoon thingy they hand you. Color vision is fine.

Anyway, the answer you gave is pretty much what my recruiter said. Anyone know for 100% certain?

Also, I've seen a lot of reference to waivers for stuff at meps. Is this an active process on my part, or does the Navy look at my file and say "eh, that's fine put 'em through?"


Registered User
Ahh, the MEPS...Now there is a fond memory. Dude, dont worry about that stupid depth preception test. Im in Primary in Corpus now. I cant tell you how many people failed that thing and are still in the flight program. They retested all of us once we got to OCS.

I failed the thing at the MEPS to. Then I failed the color test looking for the numbers (they gave me the other color test looking at the lights). Here's what you do if you really are worried about it. Go get a magic eye book and look at it. It will fix the problem in a snap. Also, its SUPPOSEDLY always one of the middle 3 rings.... something to do with the fact they want you to have soemthing on each side of the ring that is at a different "depth" in order to ID it.

Good luck


He bowls overhand.
Ahh, the MEPS...Now there is a fond memory.
Yea, hopping around in tighty whities next to some 220 lb 5'6'' kid who smelled like onions wasn't exactly fun. Damn recruiter should've warned me to wear boxers!

The recruiter said that he even failed the depth perception thing on a couple of his retests throughout his flight career. I just didn't know what happened initially is all.