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Military's porn ban questioned


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
And of course it's my wonderful Congressman who sponsored this bill. Damn you Bartlett.

I mean not that the porn they would sell would appeal to me, considering I like men, but nevertheless it's a stupid law.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
It seems as if the military is deliberately trying to work around the law. Good for them!

Oddly enough, I though it was al'Quida who had the problem with naked ladies...hmmm...Congressman Bartlett?


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
"If soldiers want to read that stuff, they can walk down the street and buy it somewhere else," Bartlett says. "I don't want (the military) to help."

Seriously, we don't have better things to worry about? I do find it interesting that this was upheld and found not a violation of the 1st amendment.

"We're asking these people to risk their lives to defend our Constitution's principles … and they're being denied their own First Amendment rights to choose what they read," she said.

Makes sense to me, in a non-legal sense. Of course, this is all irrelevant. Who needs old media porn when you have new media porn on your laptop.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Seriously, we don't have better things to worry about? I do find it interesting that this was upheld and found not a violation of the 1st amendment.

Makes sense to me, in a non-legal sense. Of course, this is all irrelevant. Who needs old media porn when you have new media porn on your laptop.

Always found it curious that people's Maxims were confiscated by Saudi customs when entering that country, yet one could buy said Maxim at the BX on base. :confused:



I found it curious when everyone's porn was confiscated as we were returning from a deployment, because it was illegal in Kuwait. I don't know the sense in keeping illegal materials in a country rather then taking them out of the country.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Argh, this crap again!? I get so damn spooled up about this stupid, patronizing attempt to safeguard the morality of grown men and women who are more than capable of making their own decisions. It's nothing but a bunch of self-righteous religious busybodies who are trying to forbid porn to the military because they think they can get away with it. Seal them in plastic bags, put them behind the register, whatever, fine, but quit pushing your sense of moral righteousness on me. I don't need your protection.

I like pictures of naked boobies. So shove off.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Argh, this crap again!? I get so damn spooled up about this stupid, patronizing attempt to safeguard the morality of grown men and women who are more than capable of making their own decisions. It's nothing but a bunch of self-righteous religious busybodies who are trying to forbid porn to the military because they think they can get away with it. Seal them in plastic bags, put them behind the register, whatever, fine, but quit pushing your sense of moral righteousness on me. I don't need your protection.

I like pictures of naked boobies. So shove off.




Always found it curious that people's Maxims were confiscated by Saudi customs when entering that country, yet one could buy said Maxim at the BX on base. :confused:


It's kinda like buying liquor at NAS Whiting's Golf Course on Sunday... ;)

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
I think the rule is that if the base's land is owned outright by the Fed Gov't, then federal laws apply. If the land is leased from the state, then they obey state laws. Heard a "back in the day" story once about some good ol' boy sheriff in Miss-Hippy who tried to shut down the Meridian package store for selling booze on Sunday.

In any case, this isn't a case of local laws not being applied or federal laws being defied. There is absolutely NO justification for trying to enact a ban like this beyond the personal moral objections of a few. I don't give a damn if Rev Bob or Conrgessman Whoever don't like naked women. They can tell congregations and consituents not to buy it, feel free to quiver with righteous indignation at 1500 quivers/sec, do what they like, but DO NOT push your moral judgements on us or use the military as the hobby horse for your personal crusades.

If they have no justification for banning the mild soft-core magazines like Playboy beyond moral objections, then they are blatantly defying the seperation of church and state. If it's not religious and merely a personal distaste, I still can't find any reason why your definition of good taste should be enforced against the entire Department of Defense.

Did I mention this crap aggravates me to no end?

And by the way, I don't read it for the articles, I read it for the pictures of gorgeous naked women! So there!!!


STA-21 FY08 College Dude
It's almost like hear no evil see no evil, I guess then evil doesn't exist. I agree with the lot of you when you say that this is outrageous. If you hide stuff from people and restrict the choices they make, a lot of the time those when they finally get the choice make bad choices. In this instance they are restricting it with no age restriction? Wow, what a world this has become.


If it's not religious and merely a personal distaste, I still can't find any reason why your definition of good taste should be enforced against the entire Department of Defense.

This is NOT new. Back in my day (early/mid 80's), the enlisted clubs used to have strippers come in on a regular basis. Usually during he slow times to get the patronage up (like on Sunday afternoons at NAB Coronado's Gator Gardens, for example). Then one day they are no longer at the clubs. The word we got was that some Congressman or Senator's WIFE got wind of it and complained to her husband to have it stopped. Next thing we know, no more strippers.


Really old guy
If it weren't for Navy porn (thanks to my E2 friends at NSAWC) I would never have known how golf balls were born.


Registered User
This isn't really on toipc, but related, what is the porn policy when using your own laptop on an NMCI connection (for example, staying at a Navy Lodge)? Is just downloading banned or will going to certian sites get you in trouble? I'm wondering because there are a few sites I visit that are not porn sites, but people post "questionable" images pretty regularly.