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More E's getting removed from Service


Death by Snoo Snoo
While this may be the case for the Navy, the Army's standards for recruitment still haven't changed all that much it seems. With deployments in the Army still at one year and change, I'm surprised the article doesn't try to make more of a distinction between the needs of the different branches. The Navy isn't the Army.

These petty officers are already trained, been in for a few years, have some significant expertise (hopefully), and want to remain in. They may lose some good people this way. My only hope is that the screening process is conducted in a manner that will just cut the lowest common denominators out there.


Yeah it is pretty bad for us! Although I am in one of the ratings on the Enlisted Retention Board(AE), I fell just shy of the 7 year mark required as a prerequisite for this board. I do however, fall under the PTS category in September so I'm not completely off the hook. How it was explained to me, is they are having this board to actually send home the bottom sailors and keep the top performing sailors. This is intended to counter the negative aspects of PTS, where there is a tendency to kick sailors out simply because of the number of sailors that are applying for that month are too high(sometimes sending home good sailors just because there aren't enough spots). Hopefully I won't have to worry about PTS because I get selected for SNA this August!


So no $hit there I was
The stupid part is the specialties that they are cutting. They are working a big cut to the AWR rate. Yet no one seems to be taking into account that there are a ton of HSC AW's that hold the AWR rate with no intent to go Romeo. So right now it looks like HSM is way overmanned, even though that is not the case. Once the transitions are complete, I foresee this same thing happening to the AWS guys when big Navy suddenly sees too many of them and says that HSC is overmanned.