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More OCS quotes


K/1 2004, ?/? 2006
I just found this webpage...should've awhile ago from the looks of it. Anyway, I was 2nd increment K/1 summer 2004 (Capt. Kellner, GySgt Whobrey, GySgt Harper, and SSgt Dawkins).

Cpl. Irons: "I'd just be punching him, and my hand got all bloody because I'm crazy and I don't know when to quit!"



K/1 2004, ?/? 2006
Of course, not all the adventures came from the SIs...doing the little map-"game" that we did near the end, where we broke into squads and followed the trails looking for signs with answers to questions, I was my squad leader, and the sign we were looking for was on the confidence course, but the way the map was designed, it looked like it was on the trail across the lake. Well, after we finished, I spent a good hour debating whether or not I made the right decision looking for it on the trail, when "obviously" it was on the confidence course.


K/1 2004, ?/? 2006
They just keep coming to me...

all the candidates who aren't signed up for PayPal are lined up outside Co. 1Sgt's office getting checks. The candidate two in front of me goes in, gets his check, signs his name, and promptly says, "Good afternoon, Gunnery Sergeant."
1Sgt: "Oh, so I'm a Gunnery Sergeant now?!"
Candidate: "...uh, good afternoon Staff Sergeant."
1Sgt: "Oh, so I'm a STAFF SERGEANT now?!?!"
Candidate: "...uh..." *walks out*

Needless to say, I don't think any other candidate in line got that wrong ever again, and that candidate definitely got what was coming to him later in the day from platoon staff.


I Can Has Leadership!
Not OCS, but funny none the less...

I was having one of those days where I couldn't get anything right. This was the ensuing conversation between my squad leader and I:

SL: I want you to yell "POP" as loud as you can.
Me: Sir, POP, sir!
SL: With out the sir!
Me: POP!!!
SL: You know what that is?
Me: Sir, no, sir!
SL: That's the sound of your head coming out od your @ss!

Later that day after I'd screwed something else up:

SL: Say "SQUISH" as loud as you can.
SL: You know what that is?
Me: Sir, its my head going back up my @ss, sir!
SL: You know what's coming next?
Me: Sir, yes sir! (slight hesitation) POP!!!


Registered User
We were outside the chow hall for breakfast and Gunny Sgt. Jones goes off on a candidate...
"Mr. Anderson...Hey Mr. Anderson.....I see your past Mr. Anderson....Short little yellow bus, and Hockey equipment...you's a window licker werent you ANDERSON!!!!!!" 2nd lncrement 04 K/2

"Never underestimate the importance of a good bowel movement" Capt. Tomlinson
"Baron that looked like straight a$$ Baron, 4 weeks and you cant even call a column right. I can see what kind of officer you'll be Baron, come here lance cpl, dig your foxhole around me lance cpl, protect me Lance cpl." SSgt X


I Can Has Leadership!
Again, not from OCS, but my favorite gunny during a run:
"D@mn Addison, you can't even tie your daggone shoes. I can't fvcking believe it... and they're gonna commission your dumb @ss in 8 weeks..."

This is from a gunny that posted his fastest Marine Corps Marathon 6 mos. after docs told him he might have to get out of the Corps due to a back injury.

Also not from OCS, but a Master Sgt. left this message on a Lance Corporal's answering machine:

"This is Master Sgt X. I would hope that if a Master Sgt left a message on a Lance Corporal's machine, the Lance Corporal would have enough common sense to call the Master Sgt back at the Master Sgt's earliest convenience."


K/1 2004, ?/? 2006
OK, so it was the day of the field meet, and everyone is out right by the senior's O course, wearing their platoon's shirts. I stand up and turn around, about to go somewhere, when I hear "Candidate, come here." So I turn around and go there, and it's Sergeant Major Willie(sp?) standing there talking with some platoon staff. He looks at me, and tells me "turn around." So I do, and he takes a look at K/1's t-shirt.

"Candidate, are those geese on the back of your shirt?"
"No, Sergeant Major, those are snakes."
"Candidate, those look like geese. Why do you have geese on the back of your shirt?"
"This candidate does not know, Sergeant Major."
"Go away, candidate."

Well, yeah...on the back of our platoon's shirts, whoever designed them decided to put, as the main logo, the CORPSMAN SYMBOL. There was no Eagle, globe, and anchor ANYWHERE on the shirt. The only reference to the Marine Corps we had on our shirts was the phrase "USMC PLC Jrs" on the front left breast. So yeah, I think I just might take a look at the design for my senior's shirt before anything goes through.