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More trouble in LA


is clara ship
the reprocussions continue....
Yahoo Link

From a professional standpoint, what do you all think? Did he fail in the role of a city leader, or is he just falling on his sword? (IMHO he failed as one of the most important leaders on the immediate scene)


Well-Known Member
- "Many officers deserted their posts, and some were accused of joining in the looting that broke out. "

Crucify them. That is unacceptable behavior, abandon the city if you have to, abandon the general populas and fall back establishing a safe zone if your survival depends on it, but never ever abandon your comrades. And the ones looting, hey I can understand people stealing bottled water because they cant drink anything, however people stealing TV's and Jewelry while wearing a uniform! :icon_rage is outrageous.

- "It's a sad day in the city of New Orleans when a hero makes a decision like this," said Nagin, who appointed Compass in mid-2002.

Said by a man thats demonstrated himself as being a piller or leadership and character :sleep_125

- Ronnie Jones, a former Louisiana state police officer and a criminal justice instructor at Tulane and Southeastern Universities, said communication and transportation problems after the storm forced commanders on the ground to operate without any direction from above.

Something I agree with. The chief had squat to do with the actual operation of Law Enforcement in the city. A metropolitan police chief is as much a politician as the mayor or anyone else. Sgt's, LT's, and Captains were the people holding whats left of the NOPD together during this crises, and relying on the abilities of the Officers at hand. Other then making policies I doubt very much that the chief did much if any on scene commanding.

- Several studies indicated that the public's reluctance to cooperate with police was a factor in the city's crime problem.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH.... you dont need an F'ing study to figure that out. Go ask any cop that works in the "bad area of town"

And finally heres something to really give you an idea of how much this guy cares about "John Doe" the law abiding citizen of New Orleans. This is taken from the New York Times in responce to the Gun Confiscations from private citizens.

"No civilians in New Orleans will be allowed to carry pistols, shotguns or other firearms," said P. Edwin Compass III, the superintendent of police. "Only law enforcement are allowed to have weapons,"

Thanks Eddie, good to know that in a time of crisis when the police department is incapable of responding to any situation because you dont have the ability too, you take away a persons ability to defend themselves.


he will die without safety brief
Lawman said:
- "Many officers deserted their posts, and some were accused of joining in the looting that broke out. "

Crucify them. That is unacceptable behavior, abandon the city if you have to, abandon the general populas and fall back establishing a safe zone if your survival depends on it, but never ever abandon your comrades. And the ones looting, hey I can understand people stealing bottled water because they cant drink anything, however people stealing TV's and Jewelry while wearing a uniform! :icon_rage is outrageous.
Yup, that's why they're establishing tribunals - 250 (roughly 15% of the total force) or so police officers will come before them to determine whether they deserted because of cowardice, family, looting, or what-have-you.


Supply Officer
Looting by police officers is obviously pretty bad. I was watching CNN/FN every now and then during the aftermath, and one of those networks aired a bit of flim that included footage of police officers in uniform looting - and I don't mean for bottled water. They were on tape stealing shoes and purses.

One would think that the attitude of "I can get away with this and it doesn't matter if I'm on television doing it" is symbolic of something greater within the NOPD ... and perhaps resembles the NOPD of a few years ago (when the Dept of Justice threatened to take over because of corruption and illegal activity including murder ... and the FBI did come in and help clean things up).


Fox News's Tony Snow is saying that the FBI is investigating into wheather or not there were hundreds of non-existant officers on the New Orleans Police force and this might be the reason for the Cheif's retirement.