Oh holy crap! That's an epic screw up on my part. Guess
@mad dog gets a few days off as perma-SDO so I can get back in the pubs.
For the record, I was never assigned perma-SDO…therefore, you’re the perma-SDO due to your epic [History 101] screw up.
Also for the record, I would recommend to the OP [
@kookylukey ] that a Manco mini-bike is in order [see pics below]…no motorcycle safety course required, no motorcycle license required, no motorcycle insurance required, blah, blah, blah. NOTE: mad dog action figure sold separately.
And if a mini-bike doesn’t jerk the bobber…give a Sears go-kart the old college try. Pic below from circa the early 1970s in our driveway in Wisconsin. NOTE: mad dog action figure sold separately [again].