Wow does this question seem really strange to ALOT of people, this has gotta be the first time this question has been asked since before WWII. OCS has always been in Pensacola....haha oops well I misread the question, but soon we WILL be getting that question when it moves to RI.
As far as moving your stuff, you get one home of record move. They will move all your stuff from your "home of record" (had to get my Dad to move so stuff from his house out to my Mom's) ONCE in your career from that point forward its just duty station to duty station. Use it wisely, I know a couple guys who ended up driving a bunch of stuff they forgot. Second thing, you gotta think about how long you are going to be in Pensacola, are you only gonna stay for API or Primary also? I waited until after API and had my "home of record move" once I moved to Corpus Christi.
Ohh yeah and I was not Prior or BDCP I was off the street as it sounds like you are. Pm me if you want the whole story about OCS guys off the street!
Sorry last thing you may be able to make some money by moving it yourself if you have it sent to Pensacola, and then move it yourself to where ever you do Primary.