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MSNBC promotes Racism for ratings


Registered User
This should really make you hate MSNBC and no one has called them out on the news. Go to Youtube and watch this video.

you can also find it on boortz.com nealz news archive for 20Aug and scroll down.


Registered User
Cut MSNBC some slack.

They didn't have any trouble hiring 3 blind commentators, so someone there is paying attention to equal opportunity.


*1. Loins... GIRD
I still don't hate MSNBC. In fact, I don't care enough about MSNBC, FoxNews, CNN, or any other tabloid-style 24-hr news outlet to feel hatred for them.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to the Boston Herald.


"I live vicariously through myself."
I can't say I'm surprised that they would try to turn it into a racial thing. Its sad that the media wants racial issues in this country so bad, that they are willing to fabricate shit like this just to have something to talk about.


I saw this pointed out on the TV news the other day. Who cares? The media is as corrupt as the politicians they report on.


Kinder and Gentler
I do believe that there is a racially related undertone to some of the backlash directed towards the President on the Health Care discussion, but I believe this clip was egregious and I hope members of the minority community see it as it is - a ploy to generate fear.


Divo without a division
I do believe that there is a racially related undertone to some of the backlash directed towards the President on the Health Care discussion, but I believe this clip was egregious and I hope members of the minority community see it as it is - a ploy to generate fear.

I don't think I have seen too much evidence for a racial undertone of sorts in people's anger about Obama's health care plans - and to pin public outrage on racism is to diminish the very real opposition by reasonable people to this plan. Are there some nuts out there who can't get over the fact that an African-American is president? Yes, but it is a small minority. But there were also plenty of nuts holding up pictures of Bush as Hitler during anti-war protests, but we never heard the argument that the anti-war sentiment was really based on prejudice.


Registered User
I saw this pointed out on the TV news the other day. Who cares? The media is as corrupt as the politicians they report on.

Well, I care and so should you.

The founders of our great nation cared so much about a free and unbiased media that they included it right at the front of our Constitution (that document we swore to support and defend). The overwhelming majority of our media right now is highly corrupt (like you said) for varying reasons. Some are simply looking for market share and slant their coverage to that end. Many journalists have simply programmed themselves toward liberalism (aka Socialism lite).

My concern is that our current administration's habit of being openly hostile to media outlets who do not parrot the message and fall short of openly propagandizing for them. The executive branch is selling access for cooperation, and excluding those who they feel are not complicit with their agenda. The president and his press secretary have both attacked members of the media for the sin of having opinions that run contrary to their own.

It is a sad indictment on our nation's media that the public has to choose to between avoiding them completely, scanning multiple sources and trying to sort through the bias, or being a single source consumer and being hopelessly misled.

Thomas Paine is rolling in his grave.


The founders of our great nation cared so much about a free and unbiased media that they included it right at the front of our Constitution (that document we swore to support and defend).

That's funny I thought it was at the end and 4 years after the fact to enable the ratification of the entire Constitution.


Well-Known Member
I do believe that there is a racially related undertone to some of the backlash directed towards the President on the Health Care discussion, but I believe this clip was egregious and I hope members of the minority community see it as it is - a ploy to generate fear.

Perhaps, a very tiny part of the backlash is related to that. But far outweighing that is the amount of false accusations of racism that are aimed at people who oppose the President's policies.


Former Rhino Bro
It's all about the ratings. No one is going to watch the news if it's all about kittens stuck in trees. Death, destruction, corruption, racism, controversy, scandal...that's what attracts viewers. Disgusting but true.


Some may disagree with me on this but I'm going to choose to agree with Mr. Morgan Freeman on the issue of racism. Here's an MSNBC article about a 60 minutes interview. I'm pretty sure the youtube video has been posted before.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10482634/ for those who enjoy reading...

and for those who enjoy watching....

The media is corrupt. My belief is that it is more about ratings than giving the news. But I don't know if I truly believe that there is such a thing as objective journalism. If there is it is a rare thing.

What Bevo said is interesting in that it does seem this administration is harsh on the "non-believers" and he has mentioned people by name who doesn't agree with. I think that's wrong and they need to stay out of it.

As for racism though....why are we talking about it? Like I said who cares what MSNBC thinks? Make your own judgements based on facts and then shoot from there.


Super Moderator
The founders of our great nation cared so much about a free and unbiased media that they included it right at the front of our Constitution (that document we swore to support and defend).

Where in the Constitution does it say 'unbiased' press? One only needs to go back and read the papers of that Revolutionary period, or any other period in this country's history, to see that it is replete with examples of 'bias' in the press. Part and parcel of having a free press.

The overwhelming majority of our media right now is highly corrupt (like you said) for varying reasons. Some are simply looking for market share and slant their coverage to that end. Many journalists have simply programmed themselves toward liberalism (aka Socialism lite).

Highly corrupt? What do you base that on? A blog posting by a biological engineer who compares herself to a 'female Indiana Jones'? If you took the time to actually read or watch some of the press that is criticized often for 'bias' you will see that coverage is often much more balanced than you would think.

The cable television news is not the only part of the press, there are high quality venues for each medium of the press here in this country and around the world. It may actually take some effort, like sitting down and reading something vs watching a 90 second news clip, but there are plenty of resources out there if you just bothered to look.

My concern is that our current administration's habit of being openly hostile to media outlets who do not parrot the message and fall short of openly propagandizing for them. The executive branch is selling access for cooperation, and excluding those who they feel are not complicit with their agenda. The president and his press secretary have both attacked members of the media for the sin of having opinions that run contrary to their own.

Any administration can be accused of the same things, there are numerous examples of this from the last administration as well as every other one. And 'excluding' certain organizations certainly doesn't mean they can't report or lack information on the administration. All manner of press still report from the White House, ride Air Force One and ask questions of the President and his staff.

A free press and a government will always have some level of tension between them, they often have completely different goals. That does not mean it is any less free or open if there is though, unless of course the government takes steps to limit the free press, which is not happening.


Registered User
Some may disagree with me on this but I'm going to choose to agree with Mr. Morgan Freeman on the issue of racism. Here's an MSNBC article about a 60 minutes interview. I'm pretty sure the youtube video has been posted before.

Haha- great clip, so true. +1

ps, Mike Wallace is an idiot.


Kinder and Gentler
Perhaps, a very tiny part of the backlash is related to that. But far outweighing that is the amount of false accusations of racism that are aimed at people who oppose the President's policies.

I think the backlash highlights the racial, age, and class dividing lines here in America. I find it all to be incredibly fascinating as I am continually struck by how fear has bred such ignorance on both sides of the line.

I have heard radio interviews in which a gentleman admitted that the reason he didn't support the health care reform was because it would allow for more lazy Blacks to sponge off the government; when asked how his health care was funded, he responded Medicaid.

You have those on Medicare concerned that their benefits will lessen as the public option will drain funds from supporting the older population; you have those already receiving government funded health assistance asserting that they are trying to force a Socialist program down our throats. Its all just... fascinating.