if I were in charge...
- buy enough F/A-18F's to fill either MAG 11 or 31 (rock paper scissors to see who gets it)... maintenance is at one base, the F/A-18F can goto the boat to continue "tac-air integration", and the Corps still "owns" FAC-A.
- as legacy Hornets are replaced with "F's", consolidate the low time F/A-18A+/C/D's to the legacy Hornet MAG ... maintenance is at one base, the lower time jets should be a bit easier to maintain thus pilots are flying & the maintainers aren't working their ass off.
- send the rest of the legacy Hornets (the high time & trapped out F/A-18 A+/C/D's) to the boneyard ... you can never have enough spare parts these days.
- as the F-35B comes online, replace the Harriers & the legacy Hornet MAG with them first, and the SH MAG gets their F-35B's last (or F-35C's to keep the tac-air integration option if the Navy doesn't want to play with the F-35B)
They can't really afford them, and (gulp) they'll likely crash about half in training accidents. They really ought to halve their F-35 planned buy and get all the Super Hornets congress will pay for - and sh%t can all their old A thru D models.