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My package is still at the board.....

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Registered User
My application went up for the AMDO board last friday. I faxed the AMDO community manager a last minute item to add into my package. It was 8:00 am his time and he said that he was walking down the hall to the board in a minute. So I know they began last Friday. anyway its now tuesday and I am still waiting. Does anybody here know how long individual boards take? The recruiter told me that he'd tell me if they said yes or no. Also the recruiter said that each individual community reviews it if the other community says no. But, man I hate waiting. I sent the package out on Aug 26. I think they might be taking a while because of the fiscal year, however the AMDO manager told me that they already knew the numbers (slots) for the following year. They have 23 slots for AMDO for fiscal year 03

man the wait is killing me


Registered User
it is true that if you get passed up by one community then another one takes a look at it. I got a call from one of my OPO's last friday to tell me that it wasn't looking too hot down in TN. that i had been passed up for aviation and they handed it to supply (even though i never listed anything other than SNA). although i havent received any final word on the status but i had some of the officers that wrote my LORs making some telephone calls. well see if that helps

<insert something witty here:>


Registered User
I'm not opposed to that, then we can be smartasses and tell everyone to go to the stat board and look someone up that way.


Registered User
A stat board would be nice. It would also be nice if people would take 2 minutes to put something down for their profile.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Okay, since I know John is busy, and I'm on leave, I can't take it any longer! Your productive and helpful discussions are interupting mindless sea stories. So....I've started a new thread for stats. I didn't make it sticky (mostly because I'm not sure if that's what John will want) but the new thread is up. Post away.


Registered User
Thanks Gator....we will be sure that you used one nut to start a thread, and he can teach you to use the other to make it sticky.....(I should probably run and hide now)

Dave Shutter

Registered User
JaymanC...Yup, you go down the hall to every other board there is and as a "non-select" you go to the bottom of each boards pile. It took a week for the Aviation board to turn me down the first time (low BIO) and almost two months before it came back to my Rec'. During this time you can't do anything in terms of re-submitting for Pilot. Nice huh?


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Originally posted by ghost_ttu
Thanks Gator....we will be sure that you used one nut to start a thread, and he can teach you to use the other to make it sticky.....(I should probably run and hide now)

Ouch! It's still John's board, I didn't want to uglicize w/ extra stuff. <Resisting smartass comeback>. Okay, okay, I'll sticky it, since he is probably too busy and I'm 6 hours ahead of him for now.


Registered User
Gator, it was the fact that your manhood was questioned, I understand.....Too much testosterone can get ANYTHING accomplished, no matter the risk! (or get you killed, one or the other)
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