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NAMI advice

Riper Snifle

OCC 194 TBS C 03-07
I have put in for marine OCS before, but did not get selected because of my PFT (233). So i joined a gym worked out and raised it to 276. Now I am facing another problem, NAMI. I am a tall candidate, 78", but I cleared all the Anthro measurements at my flight physical. The flight surgeon told me I was cleared for every Marine aircraft except the Harrier because of its ejection system. Now NAMI is saying that I do clear all the Anthro's but that I don't fit into ANY of the Marine aircraft. This problem did not come up when I submitted before and the Board reviewed my application. I also cannot understand how I can be too tall for Helo's when I know a former Cobra pilot who is taller than me. I already spoke with my recruiter and we are going to another flight physical to have my Anthro's redone to show that I have not grown any and to get a fit test on different aircraft at Pennsacola (I had my first flight physical at Providence, RI). Is there any other advice that you members can give me on things I should ask? I am confident that things will be cleared up at the physical and NAMI is only being cautious, but I would like to be as prepared as possible. Any suggestions or stories are welcome. Thank you in advance.


SNFO Advanced, VT-86 T-39G/N
I dont know too much about this, but is it possible that one of your measurements like the butt to knee length is too big? You mentioned that a Cobra pilot you know is taller than you, but maybe one of your other "segments" is too big. for example, one of my friends is the same height as me, but the dude's legs are about half a foot longer.

Riper Snifle

OCC 194 TBS C 03-07
On the different lengths, I cleared all of them. The Flight Surgeon said I wouldn't be able to fly in the Harrier because my butt to knee length was too long and the canopy is not fully ejected, a hole is blown in it by an explosive cord and you punch out through that. In that situation my knee's would be ripped off. But, the flight surgeon said I clear all the anthro measurements for the F-18 and E/A-6B. The Helo's dont have ejection systems so that is a question of comfort. How I can pass the Anthro's and still 'not fit' I still do not understand, and how I can't fit into a Helo I also don't follow. What is the point of Anthro measurements if they still do not show whether you fit or not? I hope a fit test will clear all this up, as well as showing that I have not grown any. Any other things that members think I should have checked or ask about would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
It's good that you're going to get remeasured, as it means you're not out of the game yet. But to help understand why you were measured in, and then told you weren't may not be easy. Sometimes flight physicals aren't the most thorough examination. I'm not saying yours wasn't, or that it wasn't intentionally "sloppy," but it happens sometimes.

Once you get passed this and hit the fleet, you'll see that physicals are even more "helpful." If you went by the NAMI rulebook (not the waiver guide, and even then...), most people over the age of 25 would be down for one reason or another at any given time.

So in short, you might have had a doc that didn't look real close at the standards, not because he's incompetent, but because it's not always the answer you want to hear. Then again, maybe he just missed it.


Really old guy
Riper Snifle said:
I have put in for marine OCS before, but did not get selected because of my PFT (233). So i joined a gym worked out and raised it to 276. Now I am facing another problem, NAMI. I am a tall candidate, 78", but I cleared all the Anthro measurements at my flight physical.
When did you clear and where was the physical completed? Perhaps more importantly,,,,was it noted in your physical?

The flight surgeon told me I was cleared for every Marine aircraft except the Harrier because of its ejection system. Now NAMI is saying that I do clear all the Anthro's but that I don't fit into ANY of the Marine aircraft.
Who said this and what were the circumstances....what caused someone to take a second look? Did they or anyone else do an Anthropometric measurement on you? Something doesn't sound quite right...Did somone do a fit check on you?

This problem did not come up when I submitted before and the Board reviewed my application. I also cannot understand how I can be too tall for Helo's when I know a former Cobra pilot who is taller than me. I already spoke with my recruiter and we are going to another flight physical to have my Anthro's redone good move here to show that I have not grown any and to get a fit test on different aircraft at Pennsacola (I had my first flight physical at Providence, RI). Is there any other advice that you members can give me on things I should ask? I am confident that things will be cleared up at the physical and NAMI is only being cautious, but I would like to be as prepared as possible. Any suggestions or stories are welcome. Thank you in advance.

Good luck to you.

Riper Snifle

OCC 194 TBS C 03-07
Thank you for the responses. When I went to my first flight physical at the Naval War College at Providence I was measured first by a corpsman. The corpsman measured me in assembly line fashion and said thatI was too tall, but before I could move on he asked me how tall I was. I said 6'6, and he said we had to do the measurements again, he had rounded the nurs and when he added them up it measured 7'2, big miss. We went through the measurements four more times, they all matched, and the Flight Surgeon personally measured me to be sure. I was the only one the Flight Surgeon measured since I was the only one of the group that was an issue with Anthro's. The Gunnery Seargent I went with was originally in Aircraft Maintenance so he was pretty thorough about the procedures. The Flight Surgeon said that I was cleared on all Helo's and in jets it would be an issue with the T-45 Goshawk trainer, but if I worked real hard in Basic flight school I would be elligible for a waiver since I would fit no porblem into the F-18 and E/A-6B, but it was a longshot. Jets don't concern me terribly since i would be perfectly happy in a Marine chopper, but NAMI is giving me some problems. The recruiters I am working with now have never dealt with someone as tall as me (the Gunnery Sergeant left), so they are curious about the possible results of a second Flight Physical since they can use that info in the future. The forums here all suggest that NAMI puts in road blocks to be cetain on candidates. My question is, if I go down and clear the Anthro measurements again, and get a fit test on different aircraft and pass those, will I be able to clear NAMI or will they arbitrarily say no? This is the big question I will have to ask the Flight Surgeon, but I just wanted to know other peoples opinion first, and suggestions before I go down again. I will report what I find out at the flight physical in September here so it might help other tall people looking to go pilot.


Really old guy
Riper Snifle said:
My question is, if I go down and clear the Anthro measurements again, and get a fit test on different aircraft and pass those, will I be able to clear NAMI or will they arbitrarily say no? This is the big question I will have to ask the Flight Surgeon, but I just wanted to know other peoples opinion first, and suggestions before I go down again. I will report what I find out at the flight physical in September here so it might help other tall people looking to go pilot.

Yes, NAMI is/are the folks doing the fit checks, although maybe not directly. Check your emails/pm

Riper Snifle

OCC 194 TBS C 03-07
I had my antrho's redone and cleared them again. My sitting height (butt to head) was 97 cm which is 38.2 inches. My Butt to Knee length is 62 cm which is 24.4 inches. my floor to knee height was 62 cm, 24.4 inches. The Flight Surgeon said I was good to go, now my question is, what is themaximum Butt to Knee length? I have read on this forum that the maximum sitting height is 39 inches, but I am not sure about the butt to knee length. Can anyone shed some light on this matter?

All aircrew applicants must meet standards to be considered for ejection seat aircraft. (SH: 32-41"; FR: 28" min; BKL: 21.9-28"; BLL: 36-50") Waivers will be considered for SNFO applicants who are below standards for BKL ONLY. Otherwise, waivers will not be considered for officer applicants who are outside the standards for anthros. Enlisted applicant aircrew who are outside the standard for anthros can be considered for a waiver to non-ejection seat aircraft only (Navy) or found PQ for non-ejection seat aircraft (Marine).

Required for applicants. No Waivers.
Sitting Height (SH) 32-41 in.
Functional Reach (FR) 28 in. or more
Buttock Knee Length (BKL) 21.9-28 in.
Buttock Leg Length (BLL) 36-50 in.
BKL is the most critical measurement. If member does not meet anthro standards on initial measurement he must be retested three times by the AVT and the flight surgeon. Please pay attention--these are frequently missed by

I found this post by pap. are those standards still accurate? cuz if so I am cleared by a few inches on all the measurements. I have read a few posts that contradict it. Can anyone help? Thank you