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NAMI Flight Physical (PQ/NAA) Seeking Suggestions!


Greetings all,

I am currently going through TBS and there is a good number of competitive air slots available. My SPC is currently working on putting in a package for competitive air since I already have a passing ASTB score however, I was considered Not Aeronautically Adapted by Pecola NAMI back in July of 2012. I did not get any formal documentation stating as to why I was considered NAA however, the doc told me that I have a maladaptive personality trait due to my traffic history (accumulated countless speeding tickets on a motorcycle during my college years). I was also advised to stay out of trouble so that I will be eligible for reevaluation after 2 years from the last time I received a ticket which was back in January of 2012. Is there any other route of being reevaluated? Maybe by a civil doc? Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
...the doc told me that I have a maladaptive personality trait due to my traffic history (accumulated countless speeding tickets on a motorcycle during my college years). I was also advised to stay out of trouble so that I will be eligible for reevaluation after 2 years from the last time I received a ticket which was back in January of 2012.
"Brothers: What we do in life...echoes in eternity." ~ Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor.


Noise, vibration and harshness
Renegade 1 speaks the truth. Your history can't be erased. It is very difficult for a candidate to overcome an "NAA" determination. By the Navy's definition "...those with maladaptive personality traits that have had a documented effect on safety of flight, crew coordination, or mission completion, are determined to be Not Aeronautically Adapted (NAA)". For candidates who show the same sort of behaviors that encompass the above, the phrase is changed to "Not Aeronautically Adaptable". There really isn't any civilian counterpart that I know of for NAA, so I don't think that will be an avenue worth pursuing.


Beech 1900 pilot's; "Fly it like you stole it"
I highly recommend avoiding the flight surgeon with large knuckles..."Mooooon River..."