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NASIS - Foreign Contacts?


Do you have or have you had close and/or continuing contact with foreign nationals within the last 7 years with whom you, your spouse, or your cohabitant are bound by affection, influence, and/or obligation?
...asks NASIS.

I've googled around a bit and read that "close" can include anyone from professors to study abroad friends you Facebook message "Happy b-day" to once a year. But in that case, the number of people I'd have to list is quite long.

Am I supposed to just list the 15-20 foreign nationality people I've contacted most and call it a day? Or really any foreign acquaintance I've spoken to regularly at any point in the last 7 years?

I just want to be as honest as possible and of course avoid any complications when I'm investigated. Any clarification is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
your recruiter should be giving you direction on this, but the "affection, influence and/or obligation" part should have made it clear.


Pro-Rec SNA - OCS Class Date 27 May 2012
When I went through my security interview, I had used the old form where I didn't have to list foreign contacts that were at most facebook friends. But the security interviewer told me that with the new form that the security investigation arm of the government, when I go back to do another form in a few years, it'll make me list even those contacts that are facebook friends.

Not sure that helps at all. I got lucky with the form I was using.


Well-Known Member
you don't have to list facebook friends, get real, the USIS investigator that interviewed me as a reference for another couldn't believe how many people think people on FB are their friends, maybe some are but a rule of thumb is if they get hit by a bus are you going to be crying about it? if not they are probably not that close to you.


Thanks for the input, everyone.

a rule of thumb is if they get hit by a bus are you going to be crying about it? if not they are probably not that close to you.

Now this is a metric I can understand. It's still quite a few people since I regularly met with foreigners for extended periods (as friends/colleagues in "real life" and not just as "Facebook friends," with whom I still talk to on Facebook), but I can understand why they want to know about who I associate with. Thank you for the advice.