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National Guardsman Brutally Attacked In Pierce County


Registered User
National Guardsman Brutally Attacked In Pierce County

POSTED: 4:33 pm PDT August 30, 2006
UPDATED: 6:15 pm PDT August 30, 2006

PARKLAND, Wash. -- The Pierce County Sheriff's Department is searching for five people who allegedly attacked a uniformed National Guardsmen walking along 138th Street in Parkland Tuesday afternoon.

The soldier was walking to a convenience store when a sport utility vehicle pulled up alongside him and the driver asked if he was in the military and if he had been in any action.

The driver then got out of the vehicle, displayed a gun and shouted insults at the victim. Four other suspects exited the vehicle and knocked the soldier down, punching and kicking him.


Due to the government,I feel over-stimulated.

Holy crap.
My guess is they have a thing against soldiers because they make war and cause violence and injury. (safe assumption since it's Washington state) So...their solution is to go around causing injury and violence, just so long as it's not in a designated "war". :confused:
Where's that Marine who took out 5 people with his pocket knife? He could do a sting operation by walking around in his uniform in Parkland to get these guys. :icon_rage
Related to another AW thread - I don't think wearing your uniform in that area of the country will get you many free drinks/dinners.


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
Too bad the soldier didn't end up killing one of the guys, get sent to prison due to his advanced military training that makes him a deadly weapon, where he could be-friend a diabetic black guy and be sent home on a plane only to be taken over by a psychopathic group looking for an escape, where he helps regain control of the plane killing numerous bad guys and lands the plane on the Vegas strip to be met by his wife and daughter whom he hasn't seen.


damn homeowners' associations
Too bad the soldier didn't end up killing one of the guys, get sent to prison due to his advanced military training that makes him a deadly weapon, where he could be-friend a diabetic black guy and be sent home on a plane only to be taken over by a psychopathic group looking for an escape, where he helps regain control of the plane killing numerous bad guys and lands the plane on the Vegas strip to be met by his extremely hot wife and daughter whom he hasn't seen.

Just wanted to fix that for you.


Related to another AW thread - I don't think wearing your uniform in that area of the country will get you many free drinks/dinners.

Actually in a the few areas where the mil. bases are people are very friendly towards the military, I live in Everett and frequent a few bars really close to the navy base and all the locals in town I see are cool with the sailors, but parts of downtown Seattle are not so hot. I hope the guy got some shots in, or at least hurt one of those fvckers.



It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
I'm curious what time of day it was....