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Naval Aviation Question


Registered User
Hello, I have a question about naval aviation. From what I understand, if you don't go to the AF Academy, or do AFROTC, you have damn near zero chance of becoming a pilot for the USAF.

My question is, is this the same for the Navy, as in, they get most of their pilots from the Academy or NROTC? Or is the Navy more along the lines of the Marines, as in you go to OCS and TBS and, if you're involved in a flight contract, you're guranteed a spot in flight school. I guess what I'm asking is, it seems easier to become a pilot for the Marines over the Air Force, is this somewhat the same for the Navy?

For some background info, I'm in the summer between my junior and senior years at college, so ROTC isn't really an option at the moment. I also ask the question assuming I get selected to join.

Any info about this would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


I Can Has Leadership!
First point... BULL... OTS (AF version of OCS) commissions pilots and navs (AF term for NFOs).

USMC and Navy OCS programs commission pilots and NFOs as well.

Don't know how it works for OTS, but with Navy and USMC OCS, you'll know if you've got a NFO or pilot slot before you go. You'll actually apply for a pilot or NFO (or other community as you see fit) slot on your OCS application.

As far as what's easier, don't look at it like that... look at what service best fits you.


Harrier Dude

Living the dream
You're basically right about the air force, although there are some non-academy/ROTC pilots. Don't know what %.

There are many navy pilots that fit that catagory. Historically, you might say "most of them" in some years, and some years not.

In the Marines, there are many, many non-academy/ROTC pilots. You could deduce from there that it's easier to get a pilot slot with the Marines, but I can tell you that getting through OCS/TBS is far and away more difficult than any program that the air force has. We just have a different way of selecting the people that fly our planes.

The air force selects people largely based on academic performance, and if you're looking for academy admission or an ROTC scholarship, that is all about how you did in high school. The Marine Corps selects all of it's leaders (pilots or not) based on performance of several different catagories, including academics, but stressing demonstrated leadership and physical ability. I think of it more as a "big picture" or "whole person" way of looking at it.

What you need to ask yourself is "Do I want to be a Marine?"

If so, great! Talk to your OSO and he'll explain the details. I (or somebody else on this forum) can certainly answer any questions beyond that. We have pilot contracts if that's what you want to do for the Marines. I had one, and I'm very happy to fly as a Marine. But you have to want to be a Marine first. We have Marines that fly, not pilots who are in the Marines.

If you tell the OSO "I want to be a pilot", he'll likely give you directions to the air force recruiter. Not a good way to start with him.

I'll let somebody else tell you about the navy.

With your college situation (timing), PLC would probably be a good fit if you want to be a Marine. I hope this helps.

Semper Fi.