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Naval aviator wannabe looking for some advice/information


hi everyone, just going to introduce myself and ask for some of your experience and knowledge.

about me: it has been a long running dream of mine to become a naval aviator, but i never took it that seriously until recent events. I have one year left to finish my bachelors degree in aerospace engineering (aeronautics emphasis/Math minor). ultimately I want to fly jets, I am not the least bit scared of hard work, and I will do whatever it takes. I have never been more excited for anything in my life. I know that this is what I want to do, The problem is I have no flight experience and I don't know what steps to take to accomplish this. I have been searching and reading, but I just get the steps through the program. I need actual and real advice from the people who have done it. Where do I start? What are your recommendations? Books to read? I already have a great understanding of aerodynamics and will be taking advanced courses this year, but what other materials should I study? people to contact?

I am going to give this thing everything I've got, so give me the absolute rundown and don't be gentle. I know its hard, I know its competitive, and that makes me want it more.

Thanks in advance,


Coffee Drinker
Super Moderator
Steve, welcome aboard. You'll find a plethora of guys here who have been there/done that. Aside from actually talking to a recruiter (officer program, not enlisted), the best thing to do is to sit back, relax, and absorb all that is on this board. There will be enough reading here to keep you busy for a while. The front page has several articles that will be enlightening. I didn't do anything special for flight training until it was actually time for flight training. I studied for the ASTB when it was time for that, I studied up on OCS when that time came, and then it was the material for API... and so on and so forth. I didn't memorize any emergency procedures while in API (nor did I study anything API related while at OCS). Perhaps the only thing you want to get good at is rote memorization. Perhaps there are plenty of books on that. I enjoyed my time and studied hard when it was appropriate to do so. I also had a lot of fun. LOTS of fun.

One final word though... everyone else in your position is giving their all and doing the best they can. If you get in, great. If not, then just make sure you haven't left anything on the table. Cheers!