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NAVY Hscp, missed it this time around :(


New Member
Well, I'm kinda bummed. I was really looking forward to applying to the HSCP program. I literally just foudn out about it 3 weeks ago. I'm graduating in May from my undergrad institution and want to get my Masters in public health. My OR said that it's all filled up for this fall, however I can apply for it to try to get accepted in the spring? Anyone else in my shoes?

I don't know whether I should put grad school off until the spring, or try to get in the fall. I'm kinda leaning towards the spring.:(

Anyone else on here trying to do the HSCP scholarship program?


New Member

Hey, I'm actually in the Health Services Collegiate Program for Public Health. I received notice Dec 24th and started school in January- so far it has been really amazing. If you want more information on the program and how to manuver through all the red tape just let me know.



New Member
Yeah I am in the same exact spot. I graduate this summer with a BS in Healthcare Management, and will be applying to a MS Healthcare Management program for the Spring 2010 term at Cal State Long Beach. Hopefully I will get accepted and then I can apply to the HSCP for Healthcare Administration. An OR that I have been in touch with has told me that the program is being slammed with applicants (at least in the So Cal area).

What is your Bachelors in?? If it is a health related degree it is definitely to your benefit to go for HSCP as there are not any healthcare designators through OCS and the BDCP program.

Let me know how its going Dennis.....and dont be bummed.....its worth the work and the wait..



New Member
Hey man, I got my BA in Lab animal sci. The officer recruiter (actually a chief) that I spoke to told me that they were slammed as well, and you gotta get your complete application in EARLY otherwise you may be deferred at best. I hope to submit my application sometime in October. What degree are you going after, MPA or MHA?