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Navy Intelligence officer near Saratoga Springs, NY


New Member
Is there any active duty or retired intelligence officer's near Saratoga Springs, NY who would be willing to give me an OCS interview. I am an enlisted nuke currently putting together an OCS package and am applying for intelligence officer.


New Member
Is there any active duty or retired intelligence officer's near Saratoga Springs, NY who would be willing to give me an OCS interview. I am an enlisted nuke currently putting together an OCS package and am applying for intelligence officer.

Where are you stationed? Who is your commands ISIC?


He bowls overhand.
He's at NPTU, which is run mostly by civilians. No idea who their ISIC is, let alone who the CoC is beyond the shift eng LT on shore duty. The highest ranking officer I ever saw there was a LCDR, and that was once in passing. I'm sure there's an O5 or O6 there as OIC but we never interact with him. The students stay in one of three places and that's it.

This is a tough one. Your best bet is to go through your chain of command to see if anyone knows an intel officer. If it has to be a face-to-face interview, then try to find an intel officer in Newport and go there on your 4-day.


Well-Known Member
Concur that Newport is your best bet. There aren't many (any, actually, that I know of) of us intel weenies in the northeast outside of the Naval War College. If someone in your CoC knows an officer who lat transferred from the nuke community, that would be one lead. I'd be careful with that, though; I know one surface nuke officer who lat transferred to intel and is great, and a nuke attrite who... wasn't.


New Member
This is all correct. I did a lot of asking around at NPTU but there is no intel officers on site (or they're hiding!). I posted this message just in case there might have been something nearby such as Albany. No worries, simply going to have to make a trip to Newport on a 4 day like spekkio suggested.