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NBC cuts out part of the Pledge of Allegience during opening montage at US Open


New Member
Goddamit! Media sensationalism at its best. They even go as far as to post a false apology, when it's clear that someone went through the trouble of editing that video to purposely omit it. No shame and no morals make for a great media man!


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
This is an outrage. Indivisible also left on the editing room floor!


Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Let's see: controlling the media has worked fine (99.8% of the time) in the PRC. We have a free press in the USA and I thank God every day for the rise of cable news (yes, from MSNBC on the left to FoxNews on the right). This way, we can make our own judgments as to what is the [elusive] truth. The days of Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite & Huntley/Brinkley on the networks are gone. I don't trust the pencil-neck geeks running network news today, and the NBC event Sunday is just another reason I never watch network news any more. JMHO.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
it was a thoughtless oversight. if it was just that than their apology is sufficient. if it was done on purpose it would be nice to see them at least "man up" and say "yeah, we edited it the way we did on purpose" - own it.


New Member
...... their apology is sufficient. if it was done on purpose it would be nice to see them at least "man up" and say "yeah, we edited it the way we did on purpose" - own it.

HackerF15E, People aren't really riled up. It's just a funny incident that allows for people to get dramatic and vent.


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
HackerF15E, People aren't really riled up. It's just a funny incident that allows for people to get dramatic and vent.
Well, we do need more of those.

Especially venting over something so minor (though I'm guessing it is part of the "Top Read" and "Top Commented" sections of Faux News' website). And, I'm guessing, we will see some bloviating from O'Reilly/Hannity/Palin about the godless media.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
Well, we do need more of those.

Especially venting over something so minor (though I'm guessing it is part of the "Top Read" and "Top Commented" sections of Faux News' website). And, I'm guessing, we will see some bloviating from O'Reilly/Hannity/Palin about the godless media.

unhelpful rhetoric intended on making sure anyone who doesn't see things your way realizes how wrong and simple-minded they are?

it was a thoughtless oversight - and if that's all it was, then their apology is sufficient. if it was done on purpose it would be nice to see them at least "man up" and say "yeah, we edited it the way we did on purpose" - own it...


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Now, if I disagree with someone I will be accused of calling the others side "wrong and simple-minded"? *shrugs*"

nhelpful rhetoric"? That might be the most fatuous thing I've read today, but what does it even mean? Do I now have to be more helpful in my "rhetoric", with tips on getting the most out of your dollar, best beaches in America, and where to find the shift key on a keyboard? :)

And I did not question the intelligence of anyone - just pointed out that it would probably be big on Fox (turns out it was #2 on most read - I can't tell on most commented, but at 3,666 comments I'll bet it is holding its own...and there is also a video about it under "Political Videos?"). So far my predictions are coming true; we will have to see if it is brought up by any of the talking heads I referenced. Granted, this is a perfect fit for Fox, in that they spend 10% of their time talking about the other news networks (and how they don't report a particular story!!), 30% criticizing the Dems, 30% on how X or Y are taking away our rights/religious freedom/the 2nd amendment/ etc. The other 30% is salacious stories involving nudity, car chases, or celebrities (actually, my favorite part of Fox, other than the super hot female anchors they have).

I'll throw in a "JMHO", if that makes you feel better. And a smiley - ;)

Oh, and random Megan Kelly shot, too-


New Member
They omitted "under God" twice, on two separate showings of the montage. Unintentional gaff? Nope...