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Need advice about command process


Registered User
I have a question for you guys, concerning how you would have handled and/or responded to my situation. Keep in mind that this is the 3rd year I will have (would have) applied, and have never had any problems with the command thus far -

I turned my package into my command around the middle of May. I went on leave for the first 2 weeks of June, and while I was gone they called me and wanted a few things. As soon as I got back, I went and took the info to YNC. There was a drop in the communications between YNC and the NCs office, and they never contuinued to route my package. I went on leave again for a summer college class and returned after the 4th of July weekend. I called NC1 that day because I hadn't heard anything, only to be told that all the interview had been set up, and that I was too late. She told me that if I could set up all the boards myself, then she would see what she could do. Needless to say, once I set up my boards and returned all the appraisal sheets and board recommendation forms to her, again, it was I can't help you. I emailed the STA-21 people, and they said that if I were to submit the package by 15 July without the CO endorsement, that they would still accept the package as long as the CO's paperwork made it there by 1 August. I forwarded this email up the chain went and talked with the XO, and he didnt even know I was routing a package. They said it would be taken care of. On Monday, the 17th, I found out it hadnt been mailed. Now I will be the first to assume blame for not checking up on the package, but what, if anything, can I do. It is now the 25th and the package is still sitting on their desk. The command seems to think that by having the CO write a letter to the board asking for the package to be accepted, that this erases the fact that they didn't fulfil their obligation. I have even had a meeting with the XO, CMC, 2 MCs, 1 SC, 2 Chiefs, and the NC office. All that came out of the meeting was the fact they set up a 3rd board for tomm, and a CO interview on Thursday. Now is their effort valiant - yes, but even if the package is mailed off Thur afternoon, 1) it will prob not make it to FL by the 1st anyway, and 2) why would the board even consider accepting a package that is 2 weeks late from a SHORE command just because the NCs screwed up? Yes, I will do the boards and give them my all, but I have pretty much gripped reality that the package will not be considered.

Any recommendations on what else can or should be done. Thanks for listening, I guess I just needed to vent.

R/ ET1


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Don't you have a Chief or DIVO who's helping you out with this and making sure things get done? It would seem unlikely that the board would accept anything from you at this point, but it doesn't hurt to talk to them and see if you can still submit. It does sound like your command has taken a less than aggressive approach to your package, but at the end of the day, it's still your responsibility to make sure all the right things happen. If you have to wait until next time, make sure you have a game plan and cover all the what ifs and lessons you learned as a result of this experience.


Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
It looks to me like you learned a valuable lesson. Never ever ever leave your career in someone else's hands. Personally, I don't think you should have gone on leave that first time without having a verbal acknowledgement from your NC1 and/or YNC that your package is good to go and that you were all set up for your interviews upon your return.

My guess is that a few folks dropped the ball. You dropped the ball on yourself, unfortunately. Your chief or the first officer in your chain of command should have known quite awhile ago that you were going to be submitting a package. When things went south, they should have been in a position to make some things happen on your behalf. It sounds like this didn't happen either.

Honestly, there's really not much you can do about this except take it for what it is. It is what it is. Keep applying if you don't get selected this year. And if you don't get selected, don't even think about blaming your command. They may have some responsibility in this, but ultimately, it's your career. Besides, blaming the command will only make you bitter.

Good luck.


Registered User
Wow tough position you're in, I really feel for you. I don't understand why your XO didn't even know that you were submitting a package -- not sure how your command handles STA-21, but aren't you suppose to route a request to submit an STA-21 package well in advance before you even start the application? If so your XO should've been in the chop sheet of that chit.

In addition, I'm not sure how well your command's letter will be in convincing the board to accept your package. In the instructions it pretty much says that even deployments are not a valid excuse for turning in a package late, not even if you were patrolling the mean streets of Iraq.

I'd advise you to get your priorities straight next time -- although your intentions might've been good to take leave and take a class, I don't think it was a wise decision. You should've made sure that the package was complete and mailed off to Florida before taking leave.

To quote Steve -- Never ever leave your career in someone else's hand. In addition, you ought to know that NC's and YN's are always busy and will lose track of things at times. Don't wait on things to happen by themselves, make sure you touch base with POC's daily.

I'll be honest and tell you that the outlook looks bleak, if STA-21 gave you a second chance and told you that you can mail your package without the CO endorsement by the 15th then you should've took the chance and took the initiative to make sure it was done.

Then again, it doesn't hurt to mail your package (FEDEX!) before the 1 August with your command letter of lateness. Take care, and good luck shipmate.

- C


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
It looks to me like you learned a valuable lesson. Never ever ever leave your career in someone else's hands. Personally, I don't think you should have gone on leave that first time without having a verbal acknowledgement from your NC1 and/or YNC that your package is good to go and that you were all set up for your interviews upon your return.

My guess is that a few folks dropped the ball. You dropped the ball on yourself, unfortunately.....

And if you don't get selected, don't even think about blaming your command. They may have some responsibility in this, but ultimately, it's your career.

Steve is right on target. There are plenty of things in this world like this that mean a lot to you, the beneficiary, but not to the "bureaucracy" that has to process your paperwork. I can think of lots of other "paper" I've had to follow in my own circumstances (in and out of the military) that ended up bearing close watching and "follow-up" even though it shouldn't be that way.

Anytime you "assume" the system will take care of you, stand the you-know-what by. I won't harp on taking leave x2, but in today's world, there's no excuse for being out of touch and "out of sight" equals "out of mind". Many commands run on crisis management or squeaky wheel getting the grease so being absent so much without staying in touch set you up big time. You were the one who knew about the deadline(s) and you should have been looking out for yourself, not expecting the "system" to do it for you.

Like others said...FEDEX can solve some of your time/distance issues and assures you of delivery and is only a small investment in your future. This isn't a one-time shot at getting selected. Learn from it and get-r-done right next time.


Registered User

So I am totally taken here. I finally saw my CO on 7/28, and he surprised me by simply sitting down with me and having a real conversation. No yelling , no screaming, just a talk. I requested FedEx due to the time constraints, and was told NO. The package got to FL on 8/8, and I was notified on 8/14 that the package would infact go to the board. I am speechless. Now lets just hope that I get some good news in Oct/Nov.

Thanks to all that provided some input.
