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Need for a Vehicle ??


I recently recieved pro-rec to go to OCS as a SNA. Unless something unexpected happens in my physical or something burried in my medical records creates a problem, I expect very soon final select and my date to report.

Obviously during my time at OCS, I will not need to drive a vehicle much of anywhere. I have only heard people mention here that during OCS a vehicle is handy as a place to store belongings. After OCS, however, while in A-Pool, and during API, will I need a vehicle? Can I live on base in Pensacola (realize this is a VERY rookie question)? And would it be realistic to commute to grocery stores, training, etc., (and most importangly the pubs) in Pensacola by bicycle? I am already a semi-regular bicycle commuter, bike shop employee, and long-time cyclist. I want to commute by bicycle entirely if possible. Seemingly the weather in P-Cola seems conducive . . . .

BTW, I would eventually plan to buy anther vehicle, perhaps after API. And Brett, do you have any advice regarding theft? What exactly is the story with your bike getting stolen? I've heard you mention it a few times now.

Thanks, Jason


Well-Known Member
Take a car. Commissary is ~5 miles away. NEX Is on base.

Downtown is ~7 miles.

You may not be able to live on base. Riding bicycles sucks in monsoon thunderstorms.

Oh, and Marines can steal ANYTHING. Just a question of how bad they break it in the process..


Internet killed the television star
To follow on what Master said, while 5-7 miles isn't that bad for a commute every now and then, you'll probably get real tired of having to bum rides when it pours down rain here. This past winter didn't seem too bad, but there seems to be a lot more random rain showers during the summer time. There were several guys who would ride their bikes in to muster in the mornings while I was in A-pool, and they lived outside the back gate. However, that was back when we still had muster in pt gear on M-W-F. Apparently it's khaki's every day now so that might be a little more cumbersome.

It'd be hit or miss for living in the BOQ. When I was down at mainside for API there was a good bit of work being done on them, so rooms might be a little hard to come by depending on what time you get down here. If you did, you could just walk to A-pool muster and API, the rest of the places you'd have to ride to.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Get a car. Your chances of living on base are slim to none. Not only that, but it's a decent commute to the beach, downtown, and other great places like Destin and Mobile. Pensacola is a very spread-out city/town. Get a car, trust us.


Obviously during my time at OCS, I will not need to drive a vehicle much of anywhere.

When you get that first weekend of liberty, you're gonna want to get out of dodge. It's nicer to dictate where you're going because you've got the keys, rather than going where someone else wants go.