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need opinion, PRT run time

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Registered User
I need your opinions please. What is a good enough time to have for the In-PRT. Running is my weakest point. I don't want to be passed up for selection because I'm slow. I can only run about 11:20. I am improving week by week and want to know if I should wait and improve my run time more or if 11:20 would suffice. Thanks.


Registered User
I'm no recruiter...but my recruiter say as long as your time is within the limits your gold.
After seeing posts on this subject on this board I've heard your gold w/ 10:00 or under. My advice is to bust your @ss and get the best time you can. Let the board take it from there.



Registered User
Run Forrest RUN!

11:20's off the street aren't bad, expect to lose about 2.5 minutes offa that by your out-PRT if you do what Gunny says. Now in these competetive times, strive to be best off the bat, but I wasn't even close to 11'ensies by my In-prt and I finished high nines.


Registered User
11:20 is cool. Just as JTP said, as long as you are within the limits. i think the upper limit is 13:30. You should be fine. I ran mine my IN-PRT was just over 10.

Ed Williams

Registered User
as far as getting picked up for ocs, as long as you pass you are fine. if you are trying to compete for a financial award, work a bit harder. Get to at least 10 for your in prt if you can.


Registered User
Dude, 11:20 isn't bad at all. When I took the PRT before I got into BDCP, my time was 12:30. Now, a year later, I am doing 9:55 but I have been running on a regular bases.
My only weak point is the swim. 500 yards seems alot but I guess I need to practice.


Registered User
Thanks everyone for all your PRT advice. I took the ASTB yesterday and my package will be ready by the end of this week. Hopefully it gets sent soon after.


Registered User
well, you'll need a 10:30 or less to get out of OCS, so keep improving after you submit package. i just graduated Friday, June 21, along with Riddle, Scott, and Duncan that post on this board. There is nothing that can totally prepare you for what OCS is going to thrown at you, but you can try your best to prepare in the area of PT. work on your sit-ups and push ups as well as the run, don't neglect any one part.

Matt L.

Paul Burke

Registered User
I sure as hell hope so Ed. I am in freaking GTX again, this time for shin splints. I'm hoping to class back up on Monday.
It really sucks, I have been here 6 weeks and have made it through only 3 weeks of training. What's worse about it yet is that GTX is where they keep the DOR's and people that are waiting to be attrited along with the folks that are Med Down. The negative atmosphere is driving me nuts. Only a handful of locked on folks here. Anyways, I'm done bi%^*ing.

If you aren't running a 10:30 when you get here then you'll have to buy the shoes here. Some DI's let you wear your own shoes if you run 10:30 or better. As faras shoes for 4th week RLP, throw them in the washing machine and then go over the bottom real good afterwards. Let them air dry. It works really well. Also, bring a couple of bottles of clear nail polish and leave them in your car until after the 1st week. The NEX sells out of it way too fast and you will definitely want a supply of it.

Congrats again Matt and all the others in 21-02.

Ed Williams

Registered User
Clear nail polish is useful on your colthes for rlp time. It keeps button holes from fraying and keeps ip's in their spot. You will use it all the time, and the nex never has enough, same with hairspray.... another ocs trick.
Burke... keep it up, don't let GTX give you a bad outlook. It sucks I know, but just keep up the positive thinking and pick up thoes who don't have a good outlook. I was in gtx for a few days ( i had a death in the family and was being sent home to take care of the loose ends) While i was there, i started to get into that negative attitude and a bad feeling overall. But a three guys who were there (thanks peebles, wiggins, and valadao) really helped me clear up my thoughts and get back in line. I owe my commision to them. Be that guy who helps pick up everyone else. It is worth it.
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