In august I got a disorderly conduct and my court date is December 5. I thought i was out of the running for the 191 class because fines and everything have to be paid before you can submit your package but a couple days ago my OSO was talking to the Major and he said that it would be possible for me to submit my application with the fine pending. The problem is that I was planning to apply for a pilot slot and my OSO basically said that I have no chance of being selected for a pilot because of the court stuff but a very high chance of being selected as an NFO. I've been searching the internet and the forum looking at NFO threads to learn more about it but I don't know if its what i want to do. Assuming I make past all the training I don't want to regret that I went the NFO route instead of trying to become a pilot. If there are any NFOs out there that could give me more specifics about what you guys do or if anyone would like to just put their two cents in, I would appreciate it.