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need some help!


New Member
I live in Arkansas and im looking for a good Navy Aviation recruiter anywhere in the US. I have tried to work with the one in this state and he will not help me. He acted like he would help me at first and now he just ignores me and its been over a month since ive heard anything. All of my paper work was turned in over a month ago and so far has never called me once or emailed me, ever since I started working with this guy over the past 3 months. I have no medical problems at all, did well on the ASTB, meet the physical fitness standards, have BA in aviation. I just want somone just to give me a chance. I will gladley except a "no I can't help you" just tell me.
Any help would be great.


Well-Known Member
You're referring to your OSO, I take it? I know a great recruiter in DC, but she can't do anything but give you advice. You've gotta go through your local recruiter. Keep in mind that these guys are pretty busy. It's easy to think..."hey...their job is to support me, so they should be calling me!"...but they have a million things going on at once, so don't be discouraged if you can't always get in touch with them.

A lot of times you'll find that getting on the horn and calling is more effective than email.


New Member
I appreciate the help. Trust me im very aware of how busy these guys are. Over the past three months ive never once had this recruiter ever call me, ever! nor has he ever once emailed me, ever! and beleave me I have called him several times with no response. Let me tell you what made me put this post up. About 3 weeks ago I tried to call this recruiter several times over a days period, no response...so I told a friend of mine to call the number, and guess what....... he answered, so this guy is obviously blowing me off and screening my calls. That tells me its time to move on.


It's not my lawn. It's OUR lawn.
You're referring to your OSO, I take it? I know a great recruiter in DC, but she can't do anything but give you advice. You've gotta go through your local recruiter....
I know guys who have gone to different recruiter districts other then their "local". I'm pretty sure it was a similar situation too. Put it some different zip codes till you find a different recruiter here and ask them if they can help.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
I know guys who have gone to different recruiter districts other then their "local". I'm pretty sure it was a similar situation too. Put it some different zip codes till you find a different recruiter here and ask them if they can help.

I'm not so sure that is right solution if his package has already been submitted. He needs to find out status on his package as submitted, but the emotional content of the posts so far reveal only that CM! is miffed about getting feedback and only dedicated one day to trying to make contact after working with recruiter for several months and getting a package submitted. I'd have more sympathy if you said you had tried on a daily basis rather than only trying oner day. Recruiters don't sit at a desk all day answering the phone so the day you picked to call might not have been a day he was there. There's a lot of bona fide reasons that could explain why you couldn't get through on that day. Instead of then playing games with a friend calling, if you really think you're being call-blocked, why not use the friend's (or someone else's) phone? The worst thing you can do is develop an attitude that isn't justified.


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
Oooh, your netfu is poor tonight, good double post! :)

Edit: no fair, mod deleted one of em!


Well-Known Member
That is a Marine term. He's trying to get a Navy recruiter.
@Clubmaule(s), check your PM and respond pronto

Doh, it gets confusing when you're applying to both! Sorry about that.

I know guys who have gone to different recruiter districts other then their "local". I'm pretty sure it was a similar situation too. Put it some different zip codes till you find a different recruiter here and ask them if they can help.

The Navy recruiter on the east coast told me I had to go through my local recruiter and that she could only give me advice.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Doh, it gets confusing when you're applying to both! Sorry about that.

Try being in both services....let's see, bars horizontal or diagonal, shirt bloused in or outwards...

The Navy recruiter on the east coast told me I had to go through my local recruiter and that she could only give me advice.

There's probably a way to work around that IF you haven't submitted a package, but once it's submitted, you can't start another one in another district. I think calling daily or making a visit is in order. Wink is probably best one on AW to offer any semi-official advice.