I just took the new computerized ASTB. Didn't like it one bit, wasnt comfortable looking at a screen, rather than having the actual paper right infront of me to look at. It was just awkward, i miss my scantron. My scores went down a lot in transition from the paper form 1 to the computerized form AA. NOTE: If you've only taken the paper form, and you've just taken the computerized form, you still get 3 more tries because the form is new. I just found this out today, so u still have the 90, 180, 360 day intervails it just recycles itself because its the new computerized test.
OLD SCORES ---> Paper Form 1 ASTB
OAR 55 6/8/7
NEW SCORES ---> Computerized Form AA ASTB
OAR 42 5/6/7
Kill me now :icon_rage
OLD SCORES ---> Paper Form 1 ASTB
OAR 55 6/8/7
NEW SCORES ---> Computerized Form AA ASTB
OAR 42 5/6/7
Kill me now :icon_rage