Review Books
As promised, I am posting the books that really helped me prepare for this test.
- "Military Flight Aptitude Tests". 5th Edition. ARCO. [This is a MUST-HAVE book because it lays out the format and good fundamentals. However, I do not think that this book is enough with the Mechanical, Aviation/Nautical Information, and Aviation Supplemental Test.]
- "Military Flight Aptitude Tests". LT Grayson, USAF (Ret.). CliffsTestPrep. [this is Cliffnotes. This book covers basics in verbal, math, spatial, mechanics, etc. A good reviewer after ARCO. Some Aviation/Nautical questions on here show up on Form 3]
- "How To Become a Pilot: Step-by-Step Guide to Flying". by the FAA. 1987. [this book helped me TREMENDOUSLY in the Aviation/Nautical section. Although it is back in 1987, the basics of flying that were asked in both the paper-based and computer-based ASTB were in here and not in ARCO (i.e. airplane nomenclature, basic forces, weather, flight patterns, nav aids)]
- "The Student Pilot's Flight Manual: From First Flight to Private Certificate". 9th Edition. William Kershner. [more technically detailed but a good refresher after you've read "How to Become.."]
- "An Invitation to Fly: Basics for Private Pilot". 7th Edition (previous editions would suffice). [from pictures to diagrams...this book covers it all. The newest edition is more expensive since it is a textbook used in commercial flight schools, but the check and get the older versions for 6 bucks.]
From the ARCO to the How to Become a Pilot book, you will have a pretty good handle of the test. Combining that with the gouge on this site and on, you'll do awesome on the test. You just need to rely on focus on studying and not half-a**ing through these study guides.
Next thread I'll post how I studied for the test....
I hope my postings are helping people out..haha...otherwise, I wouldn't waste my time.
-If you gonna fly, fly high!-