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Next Steps? Please Advise


New Member
I didn’t get selected after submitting my packet the first time with an OAR score of 45 for spec war/intel/SWO. I studied and took the test and received a score of 46 now I’m not sure what to do about resubmitting. I know I have only one more chance to take the test. My recruiter said I can change up the order. He said that sometimes Intel looks at the fact and sees that they are not the first choice and won’t consider you. He also recommended that I receive interview recommendation letters from intel and spec warfare officers before I resubmit. I was also told that I can enlist before I submit my OCS packet again but can’t enlist once my packet is out to OCS boards. This is my third recruiter, so I’ve been hearing a lot of different info and a lot of it is new to me after not hearing it from the first two.

I have a masters with a 3.44 GPA in athletic administration. I’m a former college football athlete with some pro experience who was a team captain, all conference, and I walked on and earned a scholarship. I actually turned down a football scholarship to the Navy coming out of high school because as a 17 year old I didn’t see myself being able to handle that lifestyle even though I knew it was an incredible opportunity. I’ve been successful in corporate America with large corporations, but they don’t challenge me mentally and physically. I’ll be 27 in May and have been able to experience life a little more, a variety of jobs, and know that what I enjoyed about sports, I would enjoy and the Navy and feel like I would be a perfect fit. I don’t have any criminal background and my letters of recommendations are from ex navy, marine, and district attorneys.

I’m looking for a little guidance outside of my recruiters. I’m curious if I were to enlist if I might have a better chance at becoming an officer. I am nervous about the fact that if I did enlist, I could be stuck there for four years, but am willing to take the risk.


Registered User
I honestly dont think you should enlist until you have exhauseted your opportunities of becoming an Officer. I definitely agree with getting interviews from officers in the communities that you are applying for. Maybe try doing that before taking your last chance at the ASTB. If you can get some solid interviews (all 10's) you should be able to resubmit. There is nothing wrong with going enlisted, but I don't believe that will get you to being an officer any faster. You are right, if you enlist you might spend your whole 4 years enlisted and not getting picked up for OCS.

Basically, if it were me; Get interviews and re-submit. If I was still a non-select, I would then take my final chance at the test.

I cant talk about changing your order of community preference, not sure how the board looks at your choices and order.


New Member
When you're studying for your last chance on the test, hire a math tutor. Especially if its been a while since you've had to do problems like that without a calculator. The math section was easily the hardest for me and I was pressed more on time than on the other sections. My tutor was able to show me a few ways of solving those problems much faster than I would have been able to do on my own.