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Next Summmer 1/c Cruise Questions


is clara ship
Thinking about my upcoming 1/c cruise, I would like to do something a little different, but I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I'm a mechanical engineering major and I would like to get some sort of practical (intern-type) experience before I graduate; also, I plan on doing an aviation cruise of some sort. Going to work w/ NAVAIR (PAX River, China Lake, or Pt. Mogu in particular) sounds like it would be pretty exciting, and could combine both of these goals, not to mention give me experience in a part of the fleet that I would like to work in at some point in my career. I've heard of new ensigns (w/ engineering backgrounds) getting stashed at these places prior to classing up, and I figure this might be the place to make a contact for this.

So my problem is that I'm just not sure what options are available for non-standard cruises. My idea is for something a little more extended....for example being attached to one of the test squadrons, or maybe the command itself for the duration of the summer to actually work on a project or two. Would this qualify as a cruise though? I feel like I got some awesome experience w/ CVW-5 and its squadrons/pilots on my 2/c cruise on the USS Kitty Hawk this summer, so I'm not as worried about getting that sort of a cruise next summer. Has anyone done anything like this? Any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
You might consider what the objective of the 1/C cruise is supposed to be. Additionally, I doubt you're going to be able to get your command (Academy/ROTC) to buy off on a government subsidation of your internship. Funds are hard to come buy and we need to spread that money across many, many Mids. You might be able to do a normal 1/C cruise at an operational squadron in one of those locations and then once complete, move right into your internship (unpaid of course). This would take a bit of coordination on your part. Before going to your command, you may want to reasearch a number of possible options and then present them to your COC. Your COC is not going to want to coordinate this, nor should they be burdened with doing so. But, if you can give them enough reasons why they should say yes, you may be in business. This way, you satisfy the objective of the 1/C cruise, and you get the practical experience you are looking for. One note, make sure you have your security clearance paperwork submitted if at all possible. Those places you mentioned (PAX River, China Lake, Pt. Mogu) will most likely require at least an interim Secret.


is clara ship
Steve Wilkins said:
You might consider what the objective of the 1/C cruise is supposed to be. Additionally, I doubt you're going to be able to get your command (Academy/ROTC) to buy off on a government subsidation of your internship. Funds are hard to come buy and we need to spread that money across many, many Mids. You might be able to do a normal 1/C cruise at an operational squadron in one of those locations and then once complete, move right into your internship (unpaid of course). This would take a bit of coordination on your part. Before going to your command, you may want to reasearch a number of possible options and then present them to your COC. Your COC is not going to want to coordinate this, nor should they be burdened with doing so. But, if you can give them enough reasons why they should say yes, you may be in business. This way, you satisfy the objective of the 1/C cruise, and you get the practical experience you are looking for. One note, make sure you have your security clearance paperwork submitted if at all possible. Those places you mentioned (PAX River, China Lake, Pt. Mogu) will most likely require at least an interim Secret.

That sounds like a pretty good idea....obviously not wanting to go over the head of my COC, do you think it would be advisable to contact NAVAIR and see what my options are, and then present my findings to him? I just don't really know how the whole summer training assignment system works. You're right though, I definitely want to get the officer experience (especially w/ respect to the aviation community) of the 1/c cruise which is why this becomes a little more complicated, since I haven't heard of any mids doing their cruises w/ non-fleet squadrons.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
I was actually referring to your contacting those places that you may want to do your internship with. You need to find out first from them if it's even doable. If so, find out what hoops you need to jump through. I wouldn't go contacting NAVAIR without your COC's blessing. And at the very least, let your cruise coordinator at your command know what you're up to.


I ended up doing an internship with a government organization the summer between my jr and senior year, and was able to work my summer cruise around it (i talked to my unit, and they got me a third phase cruise so i could spend at least the minimum time requirement at the organization).

What you've suggested is a possibility. However, you are going to have to do the leg work on your own, or with your school (ie applying and getting accepted, as well as getting housing etc.). It is probably going to be nearly impossible for one of the places you mentioned to create an internship just for you- however, if they already have one then apply for it.

As Steve mentioned, many of these government internships are unpaid so be prepared for that (if you find one that is paid, great but don't expect it).

Let your unit staff know you are at least considering doing an internship, they may be able to work with you and your cruise. Don't expect them to do any of the work to actually get you an internship though


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
Just to chime in...There are all kinds of ways to get different cruises. Steve's right about going to your cruise coordinator (usually one of the LT's at the unit). Be upfront and specific about what you want to accomplish. But I stress that you should be using this cruise as a final testing ground for what life will be like in the fleet. A good aviation cruise can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel when you're swamped with FLIP's and flights at Primary and beyond.


Fmr1833 said:
A good aviation cruise can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel when you're swamped with FLIP's and flights at Primary and beyond.

If thats the case... I'd say go aviation ashore. From my interactions with those who had aviation cruise underway and ashore. Those whose cruises were ashore had far better times (ie more flying, more squadron interaction etc). Just because you have an aviation ashore cruise doesn't mean you'll spend your whole time on land. You could get sent on det with the squadron you are assigned to.
From my understanding of it, for aviation underway you are assigned to the ship and are at their mercy. I know of people, myself included, who got assigned to ships with no airwing assigned at the time of the cruise...

That being said, if you want something interesting and different, apply for a forex cruise. Or if you know you definately want to go aviation, try for a sub cruise.


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
True, I went to HS-3 in JAX for my aviation ashore cruise and had a blast. TONS of flying time in the 60's, about 10 hours in the sims (they were the only sqdrn on the seawall at the time!), a Fam flt in the P-3's and was really close to one with the S-3 guys. All in all a great time...highly recommended.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Here's another option: Get stashed AFTER graduation while waiting to class up. I sent many a newly commissioned ENS to a fleet squadron (no-cost mind you) while awaiting the API shuffle. (I even sent an ENS to a Marine Corps squadron) Talk with your Aviation Advisor & XO, and work with the TAD target/host of choice. Most units are happy to pick up a "stash" ENS for a few months. Pick your poison. The likelihood of getting into a TEST squadron is pretty good (PAX River, MD)....the likelihood that you'll FLY, VERY SLIM. Hope this helps.


is clara ship
ea6bflyr said:
Here's another option: Get stashed AFTER graduation while waiting to class up. I sent many a newly commissioned ENS to a fleet squadron (no-cost mind you) while awaiting the API shuffle. (I even sent an ENS to a Marine Corps squadron) Talk with your Aviation Advisor & XO, and work with the TAD target/host of choice. Most units are happy to pick up a "stash" ENS for a few months. Pick your poison. The likelihood of getting into a TEST squadron is pretty good (PAX River, MD)....the likelihood that you'll FLY, VERY SLIM. Hope this helps.

I will look into that for sure; sounds like it could be good experience. What sorts of things does a stashed ensign do in a squadron?


Well-Known Member
I was an Academy mid, but I spent my first class summer doing exactly what you're talking about, so I'll offer my 2 cents- with a little work on your part you might be able to work it out. I did a first block aviation cruise, returned to USNA for plebe detail, then spent the last block attached to what was then Force Test Squadron as an engineering internship. NAVAIR provided a room in the Q and a meal pass for the galley. Travel was my own responsibility. I gave up all leave that summer, but it was well worth it to get a chance to fly in just about every aircraft the Navy operates. The internship was done through NAVAIR- they assigned me to Force. Other mids also did internships through NAVAIR, we were just scattered throughout Pax River. (This was pre-Spet 11th, I'm pretty sure Pax did not have any midshipman internships for summer 2002.)

I would talk with your aviation instructor first, see if he/she has any contacts at any of the test squadrons or has seen this before. I think you should plan on doing a standard 1/C cruise and ask about doing an internship on your own time. Before contacting NAVAIR yourself, try your school's engineering departments (plural, try Mech E, Aero, whatever they have) or summer placement office. I'm sure they regularly assign summer internships to government and defense organizations. If still no luck, www.navair.navy.mil it's not very user friendly, but it does have a place you can post a resume to be considered for a co-op or summer internship. Good Place to start.

I had a blast and learned a ton about how R&D, flight test, and a little bit about acquisition work in the Navy. Lots of flights, a few sims. I was assigned to a particular community at Force, but had plenty of opportunity to see different projects. Let me know if you have any specific questions I might be able to answer.