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NFO question

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Registered User
I'm new here on airwarriors so bear with me if some of these questions seem rudimentary. I have long been interested in a career as a Marine Corps officer, i have researched a lot on the process of becoming an officer, and i have selected the route i want to take- PLC. As of now i am in my last year of high school and i am going to attend Mid America Nazarene University. I am torn on the issue of applying under either an air contract or an ground contract. I dont have perfect vision, i wear contacts, i have already realized that my prospects of becoming a pilot are slim, short of getting PRK. I have been in email contact with the OSO near my college and he said that i can be an NFO without perfect vision. So my question is this, under an air contract, does it gaurantee you specifically to be an NFO or just a slot in an aviation field, from air control to managing to air maintinence crew?


your contract tells you exactly what you are going to do and for how long you are going to do it. Well you are still young to get a PRK, but that will be your best bet in getting behind the stick. Your eyes are still taking shape so until you are about 21 you should not talk about surgery. But you can sign up as ground and then switch during your senior year in college after which you should be old enough to get the surgery. You could also go NFO and switch after the surgery. It really depends on what you want to do.


Registered User
So do you have a choice in what you want to do in your contract, or is it based on the needs of the Corps?


well for PLC you are guranteed air, which can be NFO or NA, and then you are also guranteed the Law program. This are the only two things the Marine Corp can get you in writing. If you go through any other commisioning route, you will not be guranteed this, but i guess you can say there is about a 65% chance of you getting what you want when you get to TBS provided you do well in your class and then also it boils down to the needs of the MC.


War were declared.
MNU-OCS said:
So my question is this, under an air contract, does it gaurantee you specifically to be an NFO or just a slot in an aviation field, from air control to managing to air maintinence crew?

There are 4 types of contracts- "Aviation Contract" which is pilot, "NFO Contract" which is NFO, "Law Contract" which is lawyer, and "Ground Contract", which is everything else. If you are an NFO contract, you will be an NFO (unless of course something physically happened to you to prevent you from being physically capable of being an NFO). MOSs like Air Support, Air Traffic Control, Aviation Supply, and Aviation Managment are all jobs for ground assignable Lt's who compete for billets at TBS. So no, you won't sign up for NFO and end up an air traffic controller.


Registered User
Im sure this question has been asked a million times before, but after your in as an NFO and get PRK, then can you switch to pilot?


Possible yes, likely.... ummm most LIKELY not. It all depends on who you talk to. My OSO told me after I went to the first increment of OCS that I could comeback and get PRK go Pilot. Others have told me no. The Marines have a program once your in to switch, I think. Pilots on here will actually know for sure. Ask the cheat, I mean Squeeze or Big worm
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